Orientation project

  • Reunamo, Jyrki (Project manager)
  • Alijoki, Alisa (Participant)
  • Nurmilaakso, Marja-Liisa (Participant)
  • Kyhälä, Anna-Liisa (Participant)
  • Ruokonen, Inkeri (Participant)
  • Hällström, Helena (Participant)
  • Wu, Rosalind (Participant)
  • Lee, Hui-Chun (Participant)
  • Lin, Chao-Jung (Participant)
  • Wang, Li Chen (Participant)
  • Mau, Wann-Yi (Participant)
  • Cheng, Doris (Participant)

    Project: Research project

    Project Details

    Description (abstract)

    This is a comparative research project between Finlan and Taiwan. It presents a view of the child, whose point of view has an effect on the environment. The learning environments of the children in Finland and Taiwan have been compared in terms of children’s orientations. The theoretical model (Reunamo) for the project comes from the ideas of Piaget and Vygotsky. The model has been tested on children between three and seven year olds in Finland by Reunamo. In this study, we examine the agentive perception of one to six year olds, using intensive observation, children interviews, and teacher evaluations. The instruments have been revised from those developed by Reunamo to reflect cross-cultural perspectives and environments. Data has been collected concurrently in Finland and Taiwan, and it is analyzed collaboratively. There will be three research teams working on three foci: Cross-cultural comparison of curriculum reform based on the model of agentive perception; Analysis of agentive perception in Taiwanese and Finnish children; Observation of children action in the Taiwanese and Finnish early childhood educational setting. The results of the project will have implications for future international collaborations, theories of early childhood development, early childhood education curriculum, and teacher professional development in Finland and Taiwan. The model is applied to both early childhood and elementary education
    Effective start/end date01/01/200931/12/2018

    Fields of Science

    • 516 Educational sciences