PALEOMAGIA project was initiated during the PhD studies of Toni Veikkolainen. The first goal was to upgrade a random collection of data tables to an easily accessible database which can be used in an Internet browser. This Precambrian-only database has been thereafter updated with results from new studies. Currently the database hosts as many as 3799 paleomagnetic observations with corresponding geological age information, if available. The database has been developed in co-operation with Yale university, universities of Florida and California, and Geological Survey of Finland. Toni Veikkolainen was responsible for the programming of the database and for the design of the user interface (MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript).
PALEOMAGIA database is intended for the use of global geo- and paleomagnetic research community. This freely accessible (CC BY 4.0) database includes as many as 3799 paleomagnetic observations and relevant age information. The database has been developed in co-operation with Yale university, universities of Florida and California, and Geological Survey of Finland. In addition to Toni Veikkolainen's PhD, the database work has been a basis for several scientific papers. As an important infrastructure, the database has been listed in the FIN-EPOS (Finnish Initiative for the European Plate Observing System) services provided by the University of Helsinki.