The TUOVA -project aims to improve protein feed self-sufficiency, develop protein crop market, use of protein residues and conditions of cultivation practices in Southern Ostrobothnia and Central Finland.The project is implemented during 2016-2018 and the target groups are small business owners, in particular agricultural entrepreneurs, students, advisers and other experts, potato industrial companies, potato producers, domestic plant-based protein users and feed industry, as well as other protein crop operators on the downstream chain, particularly in GMO-free and organic chain. University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute is especially involved in development of protein crop market (objective 1). Partners are Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke, Potato Research Institute Petla and ProAgria Southern Ostrobothnia.
Objective 1: Development of protein crop market. The project aims to improve cultivation conditions by promoting the development of protein crop market. The economical research methods are used. The study search ways to stimulate buyer and seller connections and increase market-based production. This objective is pursued by various activation and communication methods.
Objective 2: Protein residues. The project also aims to find out the significant possibilities of protein residues in potato production and processing industry. The protein production potential and its cultivation profitability is modelled and field tests are made.
Objective 3: Protein crops cultivation. The protein crop cultivation culture is promoted by developing solutions to practice. Field studies and demo cultivations are made in conventional and organic farms. The aim is regular protein crop cultivation in livestock farms and crop rotation farms. Additionally, organic production may increase. Dissemination of information concerns good experiences of farmers and collective sharing and collecting (study tours, group development activities) as well as communicating advisory services (eg. meetings, publications and social media communication).