Project Details

Description (abstract)

QUINT, Quality in Nordic Teaching, är ett nystartat femårigt Nordiskt excellenscenter, som leds från Universitet i Oslo. QUINT undersöker kvaliteter i nordisk undervisning, med fokus på åk 7-9 inom ämnena matematik, modersmål och samhällslära.

Layman's description

The Nordic Centre of Excellence «Quality in Nordic Teaching» (QUINT) will focus on teaching quality in Nordic classrooms asking questions like: In what way does teaching make a difference to student learning and engagement across and within school subjects, with and without digital-rich support, in mono- and multi-cultural contexts across the Nordic countries? How can classroom videos be effective tools for teacher training? Does the use of video-technology and other digital systems generate potential for new forms of collaborative research between researchers and practitioners?

Often Nordic welfare states and their educational systems are described as homogeneous, but studies indicate that there are significant differences when researchers observe the practices of teachers and interactions in classrooms. There is a need for systematic and comparative research efforts to go deeper and broader into these patterns that also take into account the changing landscape of Nordic schools, such as the digitalization of learning processes and a stronger multicultural profile.

The Nordic Centre of Excellence QUINT is led by Professor Kirsti Klette from the University of Oslo.
Short titleQUINT
Effective start/end date01/09/201831/08/2023

Fields of Science

  • 516 Educational sciences