Sámi - Estonian language technology cooperation

  • Kaalep, Heiki-Jaan (Principal Investigator)
  • Uibo, Heli (Participant)
  • Iva, Sulev (Participant)
  • Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Jaak (Participant)
  • Puolakainen, Tiina (Participant)
  • Rueter, Jack (Participant)

    Project: Research project

    Project Details

    Description (abstract)

    The project aims at bringing together language technology research in Norway and Estonia over a common challenge: How to make robust models for complex morphologies like in the Saami and Estonian languages. The two cooperating research groups already use the same approaches, but the Tromsø group has experience in building a model that can be integrated into different practical applications. In this project we share a common infrastructure and open source tools, and put the morphological models into use for machine translation and advanced iCALL systems.
    Effective start/end date02/09/201330/04/2017