South Savo – A Sustainable Hub for Holiday Homes

Project: Other project

Project Details

Description (abstract)

The regional research and development project aims at the development of economically and socially sustainable second home dwelling in South Savo.

The research part of the project focuses on to gather up-to-date data of the effects of second homes on the regional economy. That is done by the RegFin model which broadly describe the relationships and linkages of the regional economy. The other objective of the research part ise to obtain new knowledge about the views of different groups that are somehow involved in second home tourism (business) or governing second homes (municipalities). Also especially younger generation of second home users and local dwellers will be interwieved.

The project partners are Mikkeli development Miksei Ltd (leading partner) and Savonlinna Business Services.
Effective start/end date01/09/201731/08/2019