Strengthening of procurement practices of rural actors

Project: EU funding

Project Details

Description (abstract)

The aim of the new procurement law is to strenghten the possibilities of small and medium-sized businesses in tendering and in addressing environmental and social viewpoints. The objective of this project is to produce new material for the use of SMEs and to increase the level of know-how in order to enhance, create and strenghten the co-operation between the entrepreneurs, and to expedite the dialogue between SMEs and public procurers.

The target audience for the project are rural SMEs, different associations, and public units responsible for procurement. Also the experts who work in advisory and development organizations are included in the project.

The project is focused around four themes: transportation, environmental services, energy, and food. Different tools are used to enhance these themes, e.g. expert workshops, seminars for entrepreneurs, webinars, videos, and printed material.

This is a co-operative project between University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute, University of Turku Brahea Centre, and EkoCentria.
Effective start/end date01/01/201801/07/2022