The Dynamics of Transition Policies – The governance of guidance and counselling in post-comprehensive educational transitions in Finland

Project: Research project

Project Details

Description (abstract)

Attachment to education, delayed continuation to secondary and tertiary education, as well as high numbers of drop-outs and late transition to working life commonly are recognised as major problems. The research project aims to form a comprehensive view of the dynamics of transition policies – the interaction between the various institutions and actors providing guidance and support at national and local levels – by analysing the governance of post-comprehensive educational transitions in Finland. The theoretical and methodological approach will take up the challenge of unravelling the complexity, relationality and contingency that characterise the governance of post-comprehensive transitions. Due to local socio-cultural factors, the problematisations on well-functioning educational transitions are arguably distinctive to each local milieu. Therefore, the scope for action or municipal models of transition policies are dissimilar, requiring local understanding on local conditions.
Effective start/end date01/01/2019 → …