Towards a Sustainable, Healthy and Climate-Neutral Food System (FOOD) Title: Programme Director

Project: Research Council of Finland: Strategic Research Council funding (SRC)

Project Details

Description (abstract)

FOOD is a research program of two research projects (JustFood, Leg4Life, and MULTA) funded by the Academy of Finland through the Strategic Research Council SRC. It seeks "a solution for moving towards a sustainable, healthy and climate-neutral food system". FOOD is now on its second and final funding period of 1 Sept 2022 to 31 Aug 2025. The program director steers the program, in cooperation with the projects, and as part of the group of program directors including other ongoing programs, towards integrated, coherent and consistent outputs at the program level to meet the goals of FOOD. This includes active societal interaction for outreach. The emphasis, during the second and final funding period of FOOD is in communicating and active sharing of the results of the research in FOOD, for adoption and further co-creation with the public, private and non-governmental parties. For FOOD, visit:
Short titleFOOD
Effective start/end date01/09/202231/08/2025


  • Academy of Finland: €328,307.00

Fields of Science

  • 416 Food Science