Вить кедь пельде пачтямо валонь лем полавтытнень (местоимениятнень) молема лувдост Ф. Чеснаковонь «Од эрямонь увт» книгасонть

Translated title of the contribution: On word order of pronouns in the final-position parenthetical found in the book «Od èrâmo uvt» by F. Chesnakov

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


Parentheticals with speech verbs occur in three positions in the sentence; they are initial, medial and final. The parenthetical initiates, finalizes or temporarily pauses the flow of the sentence. We know that the Erzya language has a wealth of suffixes, which allow the language a liberal freedom of sentence constituent ordering. The freedom, however, is not infinite: at the beginning of the sentence, the subject of discussion is usually familiar, while, at the end, it is less familiar -- something new. Certain phenomena in the constituent ordering provide contrastivity.
In preparation of this paper, the position of speech-verb parentheticals are taken into consideration. If we place the speech element initially, the order of words in the final parenthetical will change. We might consider that the change of ordering is caused by "displacement". The initial position, which more often than not, is dedicated to familiar information (the subject), is taken, and now the only element acceptable before the verb is an adverb. Let us take a two-word sentence: c'oras' sy 'the man is coming'. The word "c'oras'" in this sentence makes reference to an inferable or definite entity within the context. Therefore, it takes sentence-initial position. Had this same word come second, the verb would have been given notable emphasis: "sy c'oras'" 'The man IS coming'. The ordering might be used in correcting erroneous information provided by a partner in dialogue. e.g. "Son mer's' -- c'oras' a sy." 'he/she said -- the man is not coming.'
Translated title of the contributionOn word order of pronouns in the final-position parenthetical found in the book «Od èrâmo uvt» by F. Chesnakov
Original languageOther/Unknown
Title of host publicationРябовы: pro et contra
Number of pages3
Place of PublicationSaransk
PublisherNaučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gumanitarnyx nauk pri Pravitelʹstva Respublika Mordoviâ
Publication date16 Apr 2002
ISBN (Print)9-500029-03-4
Publication statusPublished - 16 Apr 2002
MoE publication typeA3 Book chapter
EventРябовские научные чтение: Рябовы: pro et contra - Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut gumanitarnyx nauk, Saransk, Russian Federation
Duration: 16 Apr 2002 → …

Bibliographical note

Râbovy: pro et contra: Collection of materials of the Ryabov scientific seminar [Sb. materialov Râbovskix nauč čtenij, g. Saransk, 16 apr. 2002 g.[ / Otv. red. i sost. V. A. Ûrčenkov: NIIGN pri Pravitelʹstve RM. – Saransk, 2002. – 246 s. (Nauč. tr. / NIIGN pri Pravitelʹstve RM; T. 2 (119))

Fields of Science

  • 6121 Languages
  • Erzya language
  • Word order
  • pronouns
  • parentheticals
  • Uralic languages
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