Эрзянь келенть морфологиянь коряс сёрмадоманзо авейкетьксчинзэ

Translated title of the contribution: On the irregularities of the morphology-based Erzya-language orthography

Research output: Conference materialsPaperpeer-review


In this presentation, I address affrication in Erzya, voicing found in the forming of compound words and the indication of palatalization.
Translated title of the contributionOn the irregularities of the morphology-based Erzya-language orthography
Original languageOther/Unknown
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 2000
MoE publication typeNot Eligible
Event2nd All-Russian Conference of Finno-Ugric Scholars: Finno-Ugric Studies on the Threshold of the III Millennium - Mordovian State University, Ogarëv, Saransk, Russian Federation
Duration: 2 Feb 20005 Feb 2000


Conference2nd All-Russian Conference of Finno-Ugric Scholars
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

Bibliographical note

Rueter, Jack 2000: In: *Материалы II Всероссийской научной конференции финно-угроведов «Финно-угристика на пороге III тысячелетия»* (филологические науки) 2–5 февраля 2000 г. /Правительство Респ. Мордовия, МНИИЯЛИЭ, МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва, МГПИ им. М. Е. Евсевьева: Редкол. М. В Мосин (отв. ред), Н. С. Алямкин, Д. В. Цыганкин и др. – Саранск: Тип. «Крас. Окт.», 2000.–520 с. (ISBN: 5–7493-0256-3)

Fields of Science

  • 6121 Languages
  • Erzya language
  • orthography
  • Morphology
  • Uralic languages
  • Siatko Editorial Staff (External organisation)

    Aleksandr Arapov (Board member), Genrix Gorbunov (Board member), Vasilij Diomin (Board member), Aleksandr Doronin (Board member), Nikolaj Zavariuxin (Board member), Kemalʹ Mariz (Board member), Tatjana Razguliaeva (Board member), Vladimir Rogachiov (Board member), Jack Rueter (Board member), Leonid Sedojkin (Board member), Aleksandr Tikshajkin (Board member), Dmitrij Tsykankin (Board member), Valentina Tsypkajkina (Board member) & Aleksandr Sharanov (Board member)


    Activity: Membership typesMembership or other role of body in private company/organisation

  • Finnish Language Assistant

    Jack Rueter (Participant)

    Sept 1997Jun 2004

    Activity: Other activity typesTypes for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination

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