Believable Fictions: On the Nature of Emotional Responses to Fictional Characters

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


In this essay, I address the long-standing debate within aesthetic philosophy on the nature of readers’ emotional responses to fictional characters. After reviewing some theories that regard fiction-generated emotions as considerably different from emotions that we experience in our everyday lives, I elaborate my own view that we bring many of the same intuitions and forms of evaluation to our encounters with fictional characters that we use with real people. With this in mind, I attempt to show that our emotional responses to fictional characters more greatly resemble real-life emotions than some aesthetic theorists would like to concede.
Original languageEnglish
JournalHelsinki English studies : electronic journal of the Department of English at the University of Helsinki
Publication statusPublished - 2009
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Bibliographical note

Online journal of the English Philology Unit (Department of Modern Languages), University of Helsinki

Fields of Science

  • 612 Languages and Literature
  • emotions
  • reader response
  • characters
  • realism
  • 611 Philosophy
  • emotions
  • paradox of fiction
  • simulation
  • quasi-emotions

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