Global asymmetries in international doctoral education: Dissertations on education development in Africa at Finnish universities

Elizabeth Agbor Eta, Nico Stockmann, Hanna Kontio, Elina Lehtomäki

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


Critical discourses of internationalisation of higher education and decoloniality have motivated this study unfolding global asymmetries present in Finnish doctoral education in the field of educational sciences. The data are doctoral dissertations related to education development in Africa completed at Finnish universities between 2000–2021 (N=100). We first describe the regional distribution and educational contexts where the research is located through a content analysis. Second, we conduct a network analysis of the institutional affiliations of co-authors of article-based dissertations, supervisors, and examiners of the doctoral dissertations and map the institutional connections in doctoral education. Then we present and discuss the findings from the content analysis, the dissertation mapping, and the institutional network analysis against the discourses of internationalisation and decoloniality that influence doctoral education in Finland and beyond. Finally, we reflect on implications for internationalisation of doctoral education in internationalised contexts, especially in North-South collaborations.
Original languageEnglish
JournalNordic Journal of Comparative and International Education
Issue number3
Number of pages23
Publication statusPublished - 19 Nov 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Fields of Science

  • 516 Educational sciences
  • doctoral education
  • internationalisation of higher education
  • internationalisation
  • decoloniality
  • network analysis
  • North-South collaboration

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