
Life cycle inventory (LCI) is a key issue in producing high quality LCA results. Two different approaches are commonly used when developing LCI for an LCA study: (1) process-based and (2) input-output (IO) based approaches. In fact, process-based modelling is more popular among LCA studies, although some also use hybrid models (using process- and IO-based approaches), which may give detailed LCI with better completeness. The use of such hybrid approaches, however, could be challenging due to the scarcity of readily available IO-based LCIs in the literature, especially for the case of developing countries. Therefore, this study aims to develop IO-based LCI using cases from Indonesia, the largest emerging economy in Southeast Asia, focusing on the food sector which contributes significantly to environmental issues. We developed LCI for staple foods in Indonesia using the 2016 Indonesian IO table. The high resolution (185x185 matrix) of the IO table allows us to quantify the monetary value of all inputs required to satisfy 1 USD of final demand for selected staple foods, including meat, fish, dairy, rice, and soy products. Six categories of final demand considered in the IO table were included, consisting of household consumption, non-profit institutions serving households, government final consumption, gross fixed capital formation, inventory changes, and exports. The IO table does not include any environmental data, and thus the LCI table being developed only considers flow exchange within the technosphere. Our analysis shows that the raw material itself is the one that contributes most (by monetary value) to each product system considered, followed by transportation and energy. For example, fish and fresh milk are the major inputs of the LCI for fishery- and dairy-products, respectively. We believe this work can fill data gaps found in the literature, while contributing to the development of a global LCI database for food products. In addition, further work on compiling environmental data to the LCI being developed is also possible by utilizing a number of available databases, such as those provided by Food and Agriculture Organization.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 13 Sept 2024
MoE publication typeNot Eligible
EventLCA Food International Conference (LCA Food 2024) - University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 8 Sept 202412 Sept 2024
Conference number: 14th


ConferenceLCA Food International Conference (LCA Food 2024)
Internet address

Fields of Science

  • 416 Food Science

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