Inside Front Cover - Neuroprotection: Biodegradable Spheres Protect Traumatically Injured Spinal Cord by Alleviating the Glutamate‐Induced Excitotoxicity (Adv. Mater. 14/2018)

Dongfei Liu, Jian Chen, Tao Jiang, Wei Li, Zehua Liu, Yao Huang, Xiyi Lu, Weixia Zhang, Zheng Zhou, Qirui Ding, Helder Almeida Santos, Guoyong Yin, Jin Fan

Research output: Non-textual formDesignArt in non-art workpeer-review


New treatment strategies for spinal‐cord injury are being actively pursued. In article number 1706032, Hélder A. Santos, Guoyong Yin, Jin Fan, and co‐workers show that intrathecally injected biodegradable polymeric microspheres, acetalated dextran, can protect traumatically injured spinal cord. The neuroprotective feature of acetalated dextran microspheres is achieved by sequestering the excessive glutamate and calcium ions in cerebrospinal fluid, and consequently attenuating the glutamateinduced excitotoxicity.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 14 Feb 2018
MoE publication typeNot Eligible

Fields of Science

  • 6132 Visual arts and design

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