Interculturality in Fragments: A Reflexive Approach

Research output: Book/ReportBookScientificpeer-review


This book continues the author’s long-term reflections (over 20 years of scholarship and experience in intercultural communication education) around the fascinating and yet contestable notion of interculturality in education. As an unstable and polysemic notion, interculturality deserves to be opened up again and again and there is a need to engage with it continuously, observing, critiquing and problematizing its complexities. With this new book the author wishes to urge colleagues, students and interculturalists to take the time to think carefully and deeply about interculturality and to find inspiration beyond the dominating ‘Western’ ideological world of intercultural research and education.
This unusual book starts from short fragments written by the author for himself over a period of one year. In these short statements and notes about interculturality, the author reflects creatively on the questions he had in mind at the time of writing and offers some (temporary) answers, which, in turn, are questioned and revised. Over the 1000 fragments that the author wrote, he selected about 100, for which he wrote commentaries, referring to and reviewing current research and debates on interculturality in the process. One of the specificities of the book is to be highly multidisciplinary to help us get used to looking for inspiration in other fields of research and creativity (e.g. music).
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSingapore
PublisherSpringer International Publishing AG
Number of pages158
ISBN (Print)978-981-19-5382-8, 978-981-19-5385-9
ISBN (Electronic)978-981-19-5383-5
Publication statusPublished - 28 Oct 2022
MoE publication typeC1 Scientific book

Publication series

NameEncounters between East and West
ISSN (Print)2364-6721
ISSN (Electronic)2364-673X

Fields of Science

  • 516 Educational sciences

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