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Translated title of the contribution: Survey for Lawyers on Rainbow Clients Inheritance Arrangements Has Been Launched

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional

Translated title of the contributionSurvey for Lawyers on Rainbow Clients Inheritance Arrangements Has Been Launched
Original languageFinnish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 26 May 2017
MoE publication typeD1 Article in a trade journal

Bibliographical note

Dr. Antu Sorainen specializes in cultural anthropology, law, gender studies, and queer studies. In the LGBT arena, she is the author of a monograph on lesbian trials in rural 1950’s Finland. With the Academy of Finland she is principle investigator for a major research project on “Wills and Inheritance Practices in Sexually Marginalised Groups.” She is the author of “Why and how to study queer inheritance and will-writing?” for the Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, and has contributed to a multitude of high-impact scholarly journals across various disciplines, many pertaining to LGBT/queer studies.
Project Website:
Email: [email protected]

Fields of Science

  • 513 Law
  • Inheritance and sexualities
  • Wills
  • Survey

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