Melkein kuolematon johtaja: presidentti Kekkosen hautajaiset rituaalisena mediatapahtumana

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

Original languageFinnish
JournalLähikuva : Turun elokuvakerho ry:n jäsenlehti
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2016
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Bibliographical note

The Almost Immortal Leader. President Kekkonen’s Funeral as a Ritualized Media Event
Whenever a leading political figure of a nation dies, his funeral becomes a national media event. At the time of death of the Finnish President Urho Kekkonen (1956–1981), the Finnish society had already entered an era where the media had a clear role in assembling the nation and constructing and re-constructing social reality. This article examines the ritual elements through which Kekkonen as a leader symbolized the nation. It also analyzes how those elements appeared in the media material addressing his death and funeral. In the material, Kekkonen stands out as a leader beyond compare, head of the national political family, a sovereign, and a friend of the people that watches over his subjects firmly, but in a fatherly manner, protecting the nation from outside threats. To conclude, we discuss the rituals of Kekkonen’s death as a transition of power, as well as ceremonial goodbyes, representing a slow move towards a new kind of political culture.

Fields of Science

  • 518 Media and communications

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