Miten seksuaalisuus ja sukulaisuus liittyvät taiteelliseen huippuuteen? How Sexuality and Kinship relate to the artistical excellence

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientific

Original languageFinnish
JournalCoreKin - Contrasting and ReImagining the Margins of Kinship Project Blog
Number of pages4
Publication statusIn preparation - 1 Dec 2023
MoE publication typeB1 Journal article

Bibliographical note

Dr. Antu Sorainen, PhD, is an Academy Fellow and Docent in Gender Studies at the University of Helsinki. She has MA in Cultural Anthropology and Law, and a PhD in Women’s Studies. She studied queer legal history and co-authored a book on conceptual history of Sittlichkeit in Finland. She holds a Academy Fellowship for “Wills and Inheritance Practices in Sexually Marginalised Groups” (2014-2019) and won a major Academy grant to direct a research team “CoreKin – Contrasting and Re-Imagining Margins of Kinship” (2016-2020).
Email: [email protected]
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