Optimising the parameters of cochlear implant imaging with cone-beam computed tomography

Samuel Söderqvist, Ville Sivonen, Antti Aarnisalo, Harri Karppi, Saku T. Sinkkonen, Juha Koivisto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


With computed tomography (CT), the delicate structures of the inner ear may be hard to visualise, which a cochlear implant (CI) electrode array can further complicate. The usefulness of a novel cone-beam CT device in CI recipient’s inner ear imaging was evaluated and the exposure parameters were optimised to attain adequate clinical image quality at the lowest effective dose (ED). Six temporal bones were implanted with a Cochlear Slim Straight electrode array and imaged with six different imaging protocols. Contrast-to-noise ratio was calculated for each imaging protocol, and three observers evaluated independently the image quality of each imaging protocol and temporal bone. The overall image quality of the inner ear structures did not differ between the imaging protocols and the most relevant inner ear structures of CI recipient’s inner ear can be visualised with a low ED. To visualise the most delicate structures in the inner ear, imaging protocols with higher radiation exposure may be required.
Original languageEnglish
JournalRadiation Protection Dosimetry
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)462–470
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Fields of Science

  • 3125 Otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology

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