Paikkatiedon ja geomedian peruskäsitteet (lyhyet opetusvideot)

Translated title of the contribution: Instruction cards guiding to download various Finnish open GIS data sets

Petteri Muukkonen, Eetu Johannes Summanen, Johanna Sofia Hokkinen, Laura Hynynen, Markus Jylhä

Research output: Other contribution


These instruction cards help you search and download Finnish open GIS dataset from various data providers or data services. These cards guides you to download open GIS data sets for example from the data services of national Land Survey (NLS), Finnish Environmental Institute (Syke), or Natural Resourves Finland (Luke). The cards can be used in self-learning or even as a part of the learning material in GIS courses. The cards are printable in the A4 size or they can be used digitally ar pdf files. These cards are created by the student group in the geography and GIS project course in the University of Helsinki together with the the Teachers' Academy (University of helsinki) and the research project CRITICAL, which was funded by the Strategic research Council (SRC) established within the Academy of Finland. The cards are provided both in English and Finnish.
Translated title of the contributionInstruction cards guiding to download various Finnish open GIS data sets
Original languageFinnish
Publication Year27 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - 27 Dec 2023
MoE publication typeNot Eligible

Fields of Science

  • 1171 Geosciences
  • 516 Educational sciences

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