Promoting STEM Education of Future Chemistry Teachers with an Engineering Approach Involving Single-Board Computers

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


Featured Application A project using a single board computer offers at a great learning experience, and a good project context for future chemistry teachers to implement in their future teaching careers. Its versatility is also a great challenge that needs addressing. We describe a master's level chemistry education course that was designed to support STEM education by strengthening the E component with an engineering approach. Engineering approach is a method of conducting projects systematically similar to professional engineers. In the course, the future chemistry teachers were given the task of building a measurement instrument using a single-board computer (SBC). In addition to course description, we present a pilot study, the aim of which was to explore the opportunities and challenges the engineering approach initiates with pre-service chemistry teachers trying to accomplish a SBC-based open engineering project. The study employed a qualitative research approach, using the course as the data collection platform. The collected data was analyzed using an inductive content analysis. The data analysis shows that an open SBC project is a good platform for learning and teaching future chemistry teachers about chemistry-driven STEM education, but it is very challenging to conduct. The main conclusion is that the engineering approach is a practical solution for strengthening the engineering in STEM education. To generalize these findings to a wider context, we suggest further research to improve the course using this study's results and re-evaluate the approach in a new instance of the course.
Original languageEnglish
Article number3278
JournalApplied sciences (Basel)
Issue number5
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 3 Mar 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Fields of Science

  • Chemistry teacher education
  • Digital transformation
  • Engineering approach
  • Inquiry learning
  • Personalized learning environment
  • Project-based learning
  • STEM education
  • Single-board computer
  • Trends in education
  • 116 Chemical sciences

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