Research on the Mesolithic of North Karelia in 2003–2017 - Implications for the early postglacial archaeology of Northern Europe

Petro Anssi Pellervo Pesonen, Esa Hertell, Kristiina Mannermaa, Mikael A. Manninen, Tapani Rostedt, Laija U E Simponen, Noora Taipale, Miikka Tallavaara

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


In this paper we describe the results of small-scale archaeological fieldwork projects carried out i North Karelia, Finland, in 2003–2014, which ended up having a far greater research impact than anyone could have anticipated. The projects yielded a multitude of new and relevant information, especially on the Early Mesolithic, including the earliest radiocarbon dates for human occupation in Eastern Fennoscandia. Results of this research have been published in a variety of venues. We use this opportunity to present the first summary of these results and to emphasize that even with discontinuous short-term funding it is possible to carry out ambitious and influential research. Over the years, Karelia has been one of the main focus areas of Mika Lavento’s research. We want to honour Mika’s 60th birthday by providing an overview of the results of our studies conducted in the northern parts of this large geographical and administrative area.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOdes to Mika: Festschrift for Professor Mika Lavento on the occasion of his 60th birthday
EditorsKristiina Mannermaa, Volker Heyd, Petri Halinen
Number of pages10
PublisherArchaeological Society of Finland
Publication date3 Apr 2022
Article number6
ISBN (Print)978-952-69942-0-8
ISBN (Electronic)978-952-68453-9-5
Publication statusPublished - 3 Apr 2022
MoE publication typeA3 Book chapter

Publication series

NameMonographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland
PublisherArchaeological Society of Finland
ISSN (Print)1799-862X
ISSN (Electronic)1799-8611

Fields of Science

  • 615 History and Archaeology
  • 1181 Ecology, evolutionary biology

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