title = "Volter Kilpi: Tulisieluinen ylioppilas ja taiteen airut: Varhaisia mielipidekirjoituksia ja taidepohdintoja",
abstract = "The edited volume contains Volter Kilpi's unpublished early Writings from his Student years and two important art Essays that he published in journals after having already debuted as author of radically new symbolist stories. The editors have written introductory texts and commentaries on the texts and the list of extensive readings that Kilpi wrote down from 1896 on. The volume is intended to a general public and is based on the research done over many years on Kilpi by the editors.",
keywords = "6122 Kirjallisuuden tutkimus, Volter Kilpi Wapaa Muurahainen, moderni taide",
editor = "Laura Kokko and Pirjo Lyytik{\"a}inen",
year = "2024",
language = "suomi",
isbn = "978-952-7469-51-4",
series = "Volter Kilven Seuran julkaisuja",
publisher = "Kustantamo Helmivy{\"o}",
number = "13",
address = "Suomi",