Zakhar Prilepin, the National Bolshevik Movement and Catachrestic Politics

Jussi Pekka Lassila, Tomi Petteri Huttunen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


    This article examines the Russian writer and publicist Zakhar Prilepin, a visible representative of Russiaʼs patriotic currents since 2014, and a well-known activist of the radical oppositional National Bolshevik Party (nbp) since 2006. We argue that Prilepinʼs public views point at particular catachrestic political activism. Catachresis is understood here as a socio-semantic misuse of conventional concepts as well as a practice in which political identifications blur the distinctions defining established political activity. The background for the catachrestic politics, as used in this article, was formed by the 1990s post-Soviet turmoil and by Russiaʼs weak socio-political institutions, which facilitate and sustain the space for the self-purposeful radicalism and non-conformism – the trademarks of nbp. Prilepinʼs and nbpʼs narrated experience of fatherlessness related to the 1990s was compensated by personal networks and cultural
    idols, which often present mutually conflicting positions. In Pierre Bourdieuʼs
    terminology, Prilepin and the Nationalist Bolshevik’s case illustrate the strength of
    the literary field over the civic-political one. Catachrestic politics helps to conceptualize not only Prilepin’s activities but also contributes to the study of the political style of the National Bolshevik Party, Prilepinʼs main political base. As a whole, the paper provides insights into the study of Russiaʼs public intellectuals who have played an important role in Russiaʼs political discussion in the place of of well-established political movements.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalTranscultural Studies: a series in interdisciplinary research
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)136-158
    Number of pages23
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

    Fields of Science

    • 517 Political science
    • Russian literature

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