A member of Finnish National Comission for UNESCO

Aktiviteetti: Muiden aktiviteettien tyypitTyypit: Muut aktiviteetit - Muut


Finnish National Commission for UNESCO

At the national level, UNESCO is supported by the national commissions for UNESCO, which act as liaison between UNESCO and national authorities. The Finnish National Commission is an advisory body and issues opinions to the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Government and takes initiatives with regard to:
•measures to be taken in Finland following decisions and recommendations adopted by UNESCO General Conferences and UNESCO executive bodies and by international conferences and meetings organised by UNESCO;
•other major matters and questions of principle relating to the activities of UNESCO;
•the representation of Finland at General Conferences and on UNESCO executive bodies and at international meetings and talks organised by UNESCO;
•other questions relating to UNESCO's fields of activity assigned to the Commission by the Ministry of Education and Culture; and
•communication of UNESCO's aims and activities in Finland.

The Commission contributes also to the work of UNESCO's intergovernmental committees and participates in Nordic and international meetings.
The Finnish National Commission for UNESCO consists of a Chairperson and 11 members representing expertise in the fields of UNESCO. The Commission is nominated by the Government for a four-year term.
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