
Aktiviteetti: Tapahtumaan osallistumisen ja tapahtuman järjestämisen tyypitPublic Talks


Bianca Preda: The challenges of being an Early Career Archaeologist

The Early Career Archaeologists (EAA Community) was established in 2020 with the aim to listen to, and communicate the challenges encountered by early career archaeologists in the academic and commercial sectors. In this lecture, I will present the preliminary results of a survey conducted by the ECA Community to investigate issues such as job insecurity, unhealthy work-life balance, lack of support and representation, assymetrical challenges, bullying and discrimination within the field, as well as the impact of the current Covid-19 pandemic on early career archaeologists. The survey had more than 400 respondents, from 40
countries worldwide. Raising awareness with regards to the challenges that the ECAs are facing in the wider archaeological community is an important step, however, it does not solve them. In order to address these issues, the ECA Community has developed a mentoring program meant to be a support mechanism for ECAs irrespective of their ethnic, cultural, gender and sexual identities, and a safe environment in which they can seek guidance and support regarding their professional development. In this way, we hope to promote inclusiveness and equity in the field of archaeology.
Aikajakso24 marrask. 2021
Tapahtuman tyyppiKonferenssi
SijaintiTampere, SuomiNäytä kartalla