Biotechnology. Theory and practice (Lehti)

  • Kalendar, R. (Toimituskunnan jäsen (member of editorial board))

Aktiviteetti: Julkaisun vertaisarvioinnin ja toimituksellisen työn tyypitTiedelehden toimittaja


Magazine «Biotechnology. The theory and practice» publishes the original articles of fundamental and applied character reflecting results of scientific researches in the field of medical, agricultural, ecological biotechnology. The magazine is included in the List of the editions recommended by Committee on control in education and a science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity. International standard serial issue of the magazine of ISSN 1028-9399.
Aikajakso1 kesäk. 2014 → …
Julkaisun tyyppiLehti
Tunnustuksen arvoKansainvälinen