Cancer and Extracellular Vesicles Summer School

Aktiviteetti: Tapahtumaan osallistumisen ja tapahtuman järjestämisen tyypitKonferensseihin, kursseille ja seminaareihin osallistuminen ja näiden järjestäminen


This course will focus on extracellular vesicles (EVs) and cancer biology, concentrating on the role of EVs on cancer pathophysiology and the potential of EVs as cancer biomarkers and tools of therapy. Moreover, the latest EV-related methods and techniques will be introduced in the course. The summer school consists of two days of seminars. The goal of this course is to give a wide overview of the role of EVs in cancer introduced by top-level EV/cancer researchers nationally and internationally.
Aikajakso1 kesäk. 20222 kesäk. 2022
Tapahtuman tyyppiMuu
SijaintiKuopio, SuomiNäytä kartalla