Waterways have been key factors in the development of societies from prehistoric times to nowadays, particularly due to their role as vectors for cultural interactions, material exchange, and transmission of knowledge between people and societies. Placing the focus on human-environment interactions in maritime, fluvial, and lacustrine spaces, this interdisciplinary seminar series aims to explore current advances in maritime history, archaeology, and anthropology world wide. The series is hosted by Dr. Veronica Walker, PI of the Ports and Harbours of Southeast Asia project, and Ass. Prof. Dr. Kristin Ilves, lead of the maritime archaeology program at the University of Helsinki and PI of the Survivors of Ragnarok project. Talks for Spanish-speaking audiences will be coordinated and hosted by Dr. Emilia Mataix Ferrandiz, postdoctoral researcher at the Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives.Aikajakso | 8 syysk. 2020 → … |
Tapahtuman tyyppi | Seminaari |
Tunnustuksen arvo | Kansainvälinen |
Tähän liittyvä sisältö
Down by the waterInterdisciplinary approaches to the role of water transit points in past societies
Aktiviteetti: Tapahtumaan osallistumisen ja tapahtuman järjestämisen tyypit › Konferensseihin, kursseille ja seminaareihin osallistuminen ja näiden järjestäminen
Down by the water: global conversations on maritime archaeology
Vaikutus: !!Impact › Maailmankuva, kulttuuri ja inhimillinen ymmärrys