ElMaRB panel discussion ‘Can democracies exclude and autocracies include? Lessons from municipal elections in Finland and Russia’

  • Gorbacheva, E. (Osallistuja)
  • Zavadskaya, M. (Puhuja: puheenjohtaja)
  • Sipinen Josefina (Puhuja: esitelmän pitäjä)
  • Jesse Jääskeläinen (Puhuja: esitelmän pitäjä)
  • Vsevolod Bederson (Puhuja: esitelmän pitäjä)
  • Anton Shirikov (Puhuja: esitelmän pitäjä)

Aktiviteetti: Tapahtumaan osallistumisen ja tapahtuman järjestämisen tyypitKonferensseihin, kursseille ja seminaareihin osallistuminen ja näiden järjestäminen


On the 13th of June Finland held municipal elections that were moved from April due to a worsening pandemic situation. This decision at the time caused criticism from some of the opposition parties, who claimed that Finnish democracy was threatened. In Russia, in turn, the next municipal elections will be held in a number of regions on the all-Russia voting day on the 19th of September amidst worsening repressions against the opposition. We decided to invite four experts from Finland and Russia to discuss these elections and what can be learned from both countries – Finland, an established democracy that enjoys one of the best in the world media freedom, and Russia, a peculiar authoritarian state where some local elections sometimes are pretty competitive.
Aikajakso14 kesäk. 2021
Tapahtuman tyyppiMuu
SijaintiSuomiNäytä kartalla
Tunnustuksen arvoKansainvälinen