Horticulture and viticulture (Lehti)

  • Kalendar, R. (Toimituskunnan jäsen (member of editorial board))

Aktiviteetti: Julkaisun vertaisarvioinnin ja toimituksellisen työn tyypitTiedelehden toimittaja


Horticulture and viticulture
Theoretical and scientific and practical journal, which publishes articles containing the results of fundamental and exploratory scientific research on horticulture and viticulture of scientists and specialists from the Russian Federation and other countries.

The magazine provides an opportunity: exchange of information and opinions on the issues of gardening; acquaintance with the latest results of fundamental and exploratory research, development and application of innovative technologies in increasing the productivity of plants and the quality of agricultural products. The magazine is an operational information base for the discussion and development of comprehensive scientific programs, the conclusion of contracts and contracts; establishment of direct contacts between scientists and specialists.

On its pages the analysis of a condition and prospects of development of a modern science and an agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation and other countries is resulted.
Aikajakso1 jouluk. 2020 → …
Julkaisun tyyppiLehti
Tunnustuksen arvoKansainvälinen