The Forest relationship was in 2017 included in the Finnish National Inventory of Living Heritage. The Human-forest relationship, combining historical and modern aspects, reflects both global, national, communal and individual attitudes and values towards forests. However, instead a one-way relationship, the Human-forest relationship is often described and understood as a mutual interaction with forests.This paper, firstly, examines what definitions different fields of science have given to the concept Human-forest relationship, and with what methodologies the research of this relationship has been conducted. Secondly, how the widely utilized concept Ecosystem services is intertwined in the research of the aforementioned relationship. The four categories of Ecosystem services - supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural services - in many aspects echo with the idea of Human-forest relationship.
Aikajakso | 4 jouluk. 2018 → 7 jouluk. 2018 |
Pidetty | IUFRO, Australia |
Tunnustuksen arvo | Kansainvälinen |
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