The workshop aims to discuss the following questions: does information about compromised electoral integrity affect citizens’ trust in political institutions in post-communist countries? How and why do technologies of electoral malpractice travel from one country to another? For instance, from Russia to neighboring countries, such as Belarus after the large-scale protest in August-September 2020. How does this affect political behaviors such as protesting, voting, or abstention from voting? How can adverse political effects of electoral malpractice and, more specifically, negative presentations of elections in mass media possibly be prevented?Aikajakso | 25 lokak. 2021 → 26 lokak. 2021 |
Tapahtuman tyyppi | Työpaja |
Sijainti | Helsinki, SuomiNäytä kartalla |
Tunnustuksen arvo | Kansainvälinen |
Asiakirjat ja linkit
Tähän liittyvä sisältö
Electoral Malpractice, Cyber-security, and Political Consequences in Russia and Beyond
Projekti: Helsingin yliopiston kolmivuotinen tutkimushanke