Panel discussion on recent events in South America

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During the past fall, South America has been in flames. Countries like Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia have gone through political turbulence and a wave of demonstrations that have in some cases escalated into violent clashes between the protesters and the government actors.

What has led to a chain of turmoil across South America? Are there common features behind resurgent unrest in the different South American countries? Is South America drifting towards increased authoritarianism or can the protests help to strengthen democracy?

The discipline of Development Studies of the University of Helsinki has gathered a group of Latin American experts to discuss and make sense of what is happening in South America and why.

The event begins with a panel discussion where researchers and civil society activists from Finland and respective South American countries reflect upon the turbulent fall in South America. After a guided conversation, Professor of Latin American Studies from University of Helsinki, Jussi Pakkasvirta will comment the overall discussion. At the end, the public will be given an opportunity to pose questions to the panelists.

Date: January 13, 2020
Time: 13 – 15
Place: ThinkCorner, Fönster
Aikajakso13 tammik. 2020
Tapahtuman otsikkoWhat is happening in South America and why?
Tapahtuman tyyppiSeminaari
SijaintiHelsinki, SuomiNäytä kartalla