Using a situation- and person-oriented approach to assess within- and between-person variation in momentary social media use and affective states

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Youth digital engagement research reveals individual differences in the effects of social media use (SMU) on wellbeing. Thus, research designs and analytical approaches underlining this are needed. Our study adopts a person-oriented approach using multilevel modeling. The primary goal is to explore how adolescents' social media use correlates with momentary affective states (AS) across various contexts (class, school, leisure). Additionally, we aim to assess differences in these associations concerning perceived problematic SMU (PSMU) and self-determination in digital media use (SDMU).
Data was collected from Finnish and Belgian adolescents (N=456, Mage=15.1 years) using the experience sampling method (14-day period with N=17,671 responses). SMU was categorized as interactive (messaging) and passive (scrolling). Affective states included tiredness, enthusiasm, relaxation, boredom, stress, frustration, restlessness, anxiety, and loneliness. PSMU and SDMU were measured each evening. Situation-level correlations revealed that passive SMU positively correlated with boredom, relaxation, and loneliness, and negatively with frustration. Based on person-level correlations, those who reported more passive SMU across the study, were more likely to report boredom, tiredness and loneliness. Active SMU showed no significant association with affective states. These preliminary findings support employing multilevel latent profile analysis (MLPA). MLPA will help identify typical situations (situation-level) and related latent profiles (person-level). We will investigate in which contexts these typical situations commonly occur and to whom. Finally, we will explore differences in PSMU and SDMU in the found latent profiles.
Aikajakso18 kesäk. 2024
Tapahtuman otsikko27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD)
Tapahtuman tyyppiKonferenssi
SijaintiLissabon, PortugaliNäytä kartalla
Tunnustuksen arvoKansainvälinen