Käsittely mediassa
Käsittely mediassa
Nimi João Pedro Martins, PhD student in Prof. Santos' Lab, receives the Controlled Release Society Focus Group in Oral Drug Delivery Trainee Award Maa/Alue Unknown Julkaisupäivämäärä 08/07/2021 Kuvaus Congratulations to PhD student João Pedro Martins for receiving the Controlled Release Society Focus Group in Oral Drug Delivery Trainee Award. João is a PhD student at the University of Helsinki in the group of Prof. Hélder A. Santos and co-advised by Prof. Bruno Sarmento and Prof. Jouni Hirvonen. URL-osoite https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/news/life-science-news/joao-pedro-martins-phd-student-in-prof.-santos-lab-receives-the-controlled-release-society-focus-group-in-oral-drug-delivery-trainee-award Henkilöt João Pedro Martins