Re­cently pub­lished book on “Nanotechnology for Oral Drug De­liv­ery” by João Mar­tins and Prof. Hélder San­tos

  • João Pedro Martins



PhD student João Pedro Martins and Prof. Hélder A. Santos, from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Helsinki, introduce us to their recently edited book entitled “Nanotechnology for Oral Drug Delivery: From Concept to Applications”. Published by Academic Press – Elsevier, a leading publisher of scientific publications, this book boasts a number of excellent researchers as authors from all over the world, thoroughly discussing materials, delivery systems and manufacturing techniques, as well as advances and challenges in the fields where nanotechnology meets oral drug delivery.

Aikajakso13 marrask. 2020

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  • NimiRe­cently pub­lished book on “Nanotechnology for Oral Drug De­liv­ery” by João Mar­tins and Prof. Hélder San­tos
    KuvausOral delivery is, undoubtedly, the most preferred form of drug administration, but an unmet need for a vast number of therapeutic strategies. Nanotechnology has become routinely present in our daily lives, but will it ever be possible to replace the diabetic patients’ injections by an oral pill? Will orally administered nanotechnology ever be an efficient manner of treating cancer or cardiovascular diseases?
    Tuottaja / kirjoittajaHélder A. Santos
    HenkilötJoão Pedro Martins