Käsittely mediassa
Käsittely mediassa
Nimi The wildlife trade encompasses all major branches of the biological tree of life – but still largely remains a mystery Medianimi / kanava Alpha Galileo Maa/Alue Britannia Julkaisupäivämäärä 25/05/2020 URL-osoite https://www.alphagalileo.org/en-gb/Item-Display?ItemId=192999 Henkilöt Stefano Mammola, Pedro Miguel Cardoso Nimi The wildlife trade encompasses all major branches of the biological tree of life but still largely remains a mystery Medianimi / kanava PressReleasePoint Maa/Alue Intia Julkaisupäivämäärä 25/05/2020 URL-osoite https://www.pressreleasepoint.com/wildlife-trade-encompasses-all-major-branches-biological-tree-life-still-largely-remains-mystery Henkilöt Stefano Mammola, Pedro Miguel Cardoso