Field-flow fractionation system

    Laitteistot/tilat: Laiterekisteri: LaboratoriolaitteetSytometrit

    Laitteiden yksityiskohdat


    Asymmetric flow field flow fractionator (AF4, 2021) provides size-based separation of macromolecules, colloids as well as nano- and microparticles without stationary phase. Instrument is connected to DAWN 18 angle MALS detector with embedded QELS DLS detector (Wyatt), Agilent UV-Vis and fluorescence detectors and Optilab dRI detector (Wyatt). The accompanied software enables simulation of experiments and analysis of molar mass, size, conformation, conjugation and other physical parameters.


    NimiEclipse NEON, Wyatt

    Laitteet: Tila

    • Aktiivinen