FLEX-EPOS mobile Seismic Instrument Pool

Laitteistot/tilat: Keskuspalveluyksikkö

    Laitteiden yksityiskohdat


    Seismic Instrument Pool (SIP) is created, maintained, and operated in a national co-operation with four universities (UH, UOULU, UTU, and Aalto) and three research institutions (GTK, VTT, FGI). The SIP provides seismic instruments for seismological (both controlled source and earthquake seismology) experiments.

    SIP storage facilities locate at the premises of University of Helsinki and operations are coordinated by Institute of Seismology.

    Tieteenalat ja vapaat avainsanat

    • 1171 Geotieteet

    ESFRI aihealueet

    • !!Environmental Sciences