Valokuva Anne Toppinen

Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa

Henkilökohtainen profiili



Present principal position:

Vice Dean (research affairs and doctoral education), Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, 1.1.2022-31.12.2025

Professor and Chair in Markets and marketing for forest products, roundwood  and services, Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki. 1.4.2009-

Organizational responsibilities

Director, Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), 1.9.2018-31.12.2021

Department of Forest Sciences, Vice Head, 2018

Board Member, Ruralia Institute, 2018-

Member of Faculty Council in Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, 2015-2021

Vice member of University Colloquium, University of Helsinki, 2014-18

Vice chair, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Teaching evaluation committee, 2009-14

Board member, Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki, 2010-2013


Previous principal positions:

  1. Acting professor, Department of Forest Economics, University of Helsinki. 1.1.2008-31.3.2009
  2. Programme manager (Forest products trade and socio-economics), European Forest Institute, Joensuu, 1.4.2007-31.12.2007 
  3. Senior researcher, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu, 1.11.2001-31.3.2007 (on leave from 1.4.2007-) and in Helsinki, 1.8.2000-30.10.2001
  4. Visiting assistant professor, Oregon State University, Forestry, 1.8.1999-31.7.2000
  5. Researcher, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Helsinki, 1.8.1996-31.7.1999


Other previous professional working experience:

  1. Visiting professor, Karl-Franzen University of Graz, Austria, Institute of System Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability, 15.3.-15.4.2018
  2. Umeå University, Department of Economics, Sweden, visiting researcher, 25.11.–10.12.1996
  3. Research assistant, Academy of Finland, Helsinki, 1.1.1994–30.7.1996
  4. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Helsinki, Junior researcher 1.11.1990-31.12.1993, 1.1.–31.5.1990, practitioner, 1.9.-30.9.1990,
  5. Fortstliche Bundesversuchsanstalt, Wien, Austria, practitioner 19.6–30.7.1990
  6. United Papermills, Simpele paperboard mill, sales department, practitioner, 15.5.–16.08.1989
  7. Metsä-Serla, R & D Department, Kirkniemi, practitioner, 16.5.–31.7.1988



Docent 17.2.2005-  Forest Economics, University of Joensuu

Docent 9.6.2003-    Social Economics of Forestry, University of Helsinki

Dr.For 14.12.1998   Forest Economics, University of Helsinki

Lic.For 23.11.1995  Forest Economics, University of Helsinki

M.Sc 9.4.1991        Forest Products Marketing, University of Helsinki

Senior high school examination 1986, Parikkalan lukio

Graduate of Benton Senior High School, 1985, Arkansas, USA


Scientific honors:

Recognized academic teacher in forest sciences, Metsämiesten säätiö foundation, 2016

Finnish Society of Forest Sciences, Medal, 2012

OKO Prize for best master’s thesis in the Faculty of Forestry, Helsinki, 1991


Research grants and commissions - see CV on Department website

Major scientific experiences

  1. Member of scientific evaluation panel, Evaluation of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) on the research Quality and Impact (Area: Economics, Business and Statistics), Sweden, 2018.
  2. External evaluator of applicants for Professor in economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2017
  3. Scientific evaluator (Independent Expert) for proposals in European Commission Call Societal Challenges, 2016
  4. External evaluator, Norwegian Research Council, 2014-15.
  5. COST Domain Expert, Finland, Forest products and services, 2010-2014.
  6. External evaluator, Aalto University, Candidate for Professor in Practice, February 2013.
  7. External evaluator of applications under COST Domain (Forests, products and services), February and September, Brussels, 2012.
  8. External evaluator, FCT Council of Science and Technology, Call for Natural and Environmental Sciences, Portugal, September 2012.
  9. Expert External evaluator of Professorship in Business Administration at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, April-May 2012.
  10. Scientific evaluator (Independent Expert) for proposals in European Commission Call FP7-KBBE-2012, January 2012.
  11. Reviewer of strong research environments, Sweden, FORMAS, March 2010.
  12. Reviewer of social science research on sustainability in Sweden (Research Council, Mistra, FORMAS, The Energy Agency and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond), June-October 2009.
  13. Chair of scientific evaluation panel, Evaluation of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) on the research Quality and Impact (Area: Economics and Statistics), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden, April-May 2009.
  14. External evaluator of Professorship in Forest Economics and multifunctional forestry at the BOKU University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna Department of Economics and Social Sciences Production and Logistics in Forest based Industry, Austria, May 2009-April 2010.
  15. External evaluator of Assistant Professorship in Production Economy at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, June-August 2009.
  16. Member of PEFC Finland standardisation committee on behalf of Finnish Society of Forest Science, 23.9.2008-16.4.2009.
  17. Member of scientific evaluation board at the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS). Group for “Economics, Society and Regional development”, Sweden. 1.6.2005-31.12.2008.
  18. Scientific evaluator (Independent Expert) for proposals in European Commission Call FP6-SSP5A, April-May 2006, Brussels.


Administrational duties and offices held in professional societies:

  1. Member of Scientific Advisory Board, European Forest Institute, 2017-
  2. Board member, Metsämiesten säätiö, 2018-
  3. Board member, Luonnonvarain tutkimussäätiö, 2015.
  4. Chairman, Scandinavian Society of Forest Economics, 2010-2012.
  5. Member of Advisory Board (Hoitokunnan jäsen), Finnish Forest Research Institute, Metla, Unit of Southern Finland, 2010-2014.
  6. Board member, Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki, 2010-2013.
  7. Vice chairman (2010-2014) and member (2009-2010), evaluation committee of teaching qualifications, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki.
  8. Board Member, Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2004-2009
  9. Chairman, Forest Economists Forum (Metsäekonomistiklubi) in Finland, 2002-2003
  10. Member of the Committee for Science and Program Policy, Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2002-2003
  11. Board Member, Forest Economists Forum (Metsäekonomistiklubi) in Finland, 2000-2002
  12. Deputy board member (1996–00) and Working Group Chair (1993-1999), Scandinavian Society of Forest Economics


Editorial work in scientific journals:

  1. Associate Editor in  Forest Science 2015-,  Journal of Forest Economics 2015-, BioProducts Business 2015-,  New Zealand Journal of Forest Science. 2009-, Member of Editorial Managing Board of Silva Fennica and Metsätieteen aikakauskirja, 2006-2009, Guest editor in Forest Policy and Economics (co-ordinated by John Perez-Garcia) in the Special Issue on Forest Sector Modelling, 2009.
  2. Referee in international journals: 

    Agriculture and Food Science, African Journal of Agricultural Research, Agricultural Systems, Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Applied Economics, Business & Society, Business Strategy and the Environment, Biomass and Bioenergy, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Finnish Economic Papers, Forest Policy and Economics, Forest Products Journal, Forests, Forest Science, International Forestry Review, International Journal of Emerging Markets, International Journal of Forest Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Chemistry, Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Journal of Forest Economics, Journal of Forestry, Journal of Baltic Forestry, Metsätieteen aikakauskirja, New Zealand Journal of Forest Science, Physica, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Resource and Energy Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Silva Fennica and Small Scale Forestry.



Doctoral student supervisor (main supervisor):

  1. Katja Lähtinen, University of Joensuu, defended 2009 
  2. Sinikka Mynttinen, University of Helsinki, defended 2009 
  3. Ritva Toivonen, University of Helsinki, defended 2011
  4. Ning Li, University of Helsinki, defended 2012
  5. Minli Wan, University of Helsinki, defended 2014
  6. Yijing Zhang, University of Helsinki, defended 2014
  7. Jani Holopainen, University of Helsinki, defended 2016
  8. Osmo Mattila, University of Helsinki, defended 2015
  9. Jaana Korhonen, University of Helsinki, defended 2016
  10. Dalia D'Amato, University of Helsinki, defended 2016
  11. Anna Berka, University of Helsinki, defended 2018
  12. Liina Häyrinen, University of Helsinki, ongoing 2013-
  13. Jyri Hietala, University of Helsinki, ongoing 2015-
  14. Arttu Malkamäki, University of Helsinki, 2015-
  15. Noora Miilumäki, University of Helsinki, 2017-
  16. Mia Tong, University of Helsinki, 2017-
  17. Antti Mutanen, University of Joensuu, ongoing 2004- 

As supporting supervisor: Piia Aatola (Environmental economics, graduated 2013) and Kirsi Kettula (Forest products marketing, graduated 2012). 

Doctoral thesis examiner/opponent 21 times.

Number of supervised M.Sc. theses 80 and acted as an external examiner 35 times.


  • 4112 Metsätiede
  • metsäteollisuuden markkinat
  • kansainvälinen kauppa
  • investoinnit
  • metsäsertifiointi
  • metsäpalvelut
  • 512 Liiketaloustiede
  • vastuullinen liiketoiminta
  • strategiatutkimus

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