Cory Dunn

Docent in Molecular Microbiology


Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa

Henkilökohtainen profiili


Cory David Dunn, Ph.D. (Docent)

Curriculum vitae


Current Positions:

June 2017 - present

Principal Investigator

Institute of Biotechnology

Helsinki Institute of Life Science

University of Helsinki

Helsinki, Finland


Previous Academic Positions:

July 2017 - June 2019

Visiting Scholar

College of Sciences

Koç University

Istanbul, Turkey


September 2009 - May 2017

Assistant Professor

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Koç University

Istanbul, Turkey


May 2006 - August 2009

Postdoctoral Associate

Postdoctoral Advisor: Professor Iva Greenwald

Columbia University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute

New York, New York, U.S.A.

Project: A conserved tetraspanin protein promotes Notch pathway signaling.


March 2000 - April 2006

Graduate Student

Thesis Advisor: Professor Robert E. Jensen

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.

Ph.D. Thesis: The genetic requirements of budding yeast lacking a mitochondrial genome.


July 1998 - August 1999

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Undergraduate Advisor: Professor Margaret J. Wheelock

University of Toledo

Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.

Undergraduate Honors Thesis: The effects of dexamethasone and epidermal growth factor on the adhesion of epithelial cells.



Ph.D. (2007)

Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Program

Department of Cell Biology

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.


B.S. (1999), Magna Cum Laude, Departmental Honors, College Honors

Department of Biology

University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.


Exchange Program, Concentration in Biochemistry (1997 - 1998)

University of Salford, Greater Manchester, England


Submitted Manuscripts: 

C.D. Dunn. SequenceBouncer: A method to remove outlier entries from a multiple sequence alignment. bioRxiv pre-print at:

B.A. Akpinar, P.O. Carlson, Ville O. Paavilainen, and C.D. Dunn. A novel phylogenetic analysis combined with a machine learning approach predicts human mitochondrial variant pathogenicity. bioRxiv pre-print at:


Peer-Reviewed Publications: 

C.D. Dunn, T. Somborac, and B.A. Akpinar. (2020). We're in this Together: Sensation of the Host Cell Environment by Endosymbiotic Bacteria. In: M. Kloc (ed) Symbiosis: Cellular, Molecular, Medical and Evolutionary Aspects. Results Probl Cell Differ. 69: 179-197.

C.D. Dunn, B.A. Akpinar, and V. Sharma. (2020). An unusual amino acid substitution within hummingbird cytochrome c oxidase alters a key proton-conducting channel. G3. 10(7): 2477-2485. PMID: 32444359.

G. Guzelsoy, C. Akkaya, D. Atak, C.D. Dunn, A. Kabakcioglu, N. Ozlu, and G. Ince-Dunn. (2019). Terminal neuron localization to the upper cortical plate is controlled by the transcription factor NEUROD2. Sci Rep. 9(1): 19697. PMID: 31873146.

C.D. Dunn and V.O. Paavilainen. (2019). Wherever I may roam: organellar protein targeting and evolvability. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 58-59: 9-16. Review. PMID: 31476715.

M. Eisenberg-Bord, H.S. Tsui, D. Antunes, L. Fernández-del-Río, M.C. Bradley, C.D. Dunn, T.P.T. Nguyen, D. Rapaport, C.F. Clarke, and M. Schuldiner. (2019). The Endoplasmic Reticulum-Mitochondria Encounter Structure Complex Coordinates Coenzyme Q Biosynthesis. Contact. 2: 1-14. PMID: 30937424.

O. Mirzalieva, S. Jeon, K. Damri, R. Hartke, L. Drwesh, K. Demishtein-Zohary, A. Azem, C.D. Dunn, and P.M. Peixoto. (2019). Deletion of Mgr2p Affects the Gating Behavior of the TIM23 Complex. Front Physiol. 9: 1960. PMID: 30697167.

G. Lutfullahoğlu-Bal, A.B. Seferoğlu, A. Keskin, E. Akdoğan, and C.D. Dunn. (2018). A bacteria-derived tail anchor localizes to peroxisomes in yeast and mammalian cells. Sci Rep. 8(1): 16374. PMID: 30401812.

C.D. Dunn. (2017). Some Liked It Hot: A Hypothesis Regarding Establishment of the Proto-Mitochondrial Endosymbiont During Eukaryogenesis. J Mol Evol. 85(3-4):99-106. PMID: 28916841.

G. Lutfullahoğlu-Bal, A. Keskin, A.B. Seferoğlu, and C.D. Dunn. (2017). Bacterial tail anchors can target to the mitochondrial outer membrane. Biol Direct. 12(1):16. PMID: 28738827.

A. Keskin, E. Akdoğan, and C.D. Dunn. (2017). Evidence for Amino Acid Snorkeling from a High-Resolution, In Vivo Analysis of Fis1 Tail-Anchor Insertion at the Mitochondrial Outer Membrane. Genetics. 205(2): 691-705. PMID: 28007883.

E. Akdoğan, M. Tardu, G. Garipler, G. Baytek, I.H. Kavakli, and C.D. Dunn. (2016). Reduced Glucose Sensation Can Increase the Fitness of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lacking Mitochondrial DNA. PLOS ONE. 11(1): e0146511. PMID: 26751567.

E. Kemppainen, J. George, G. Garipler, T. Tuomela, E. Kiviranta, T. Soga, C.D. Dunn, and H.T. Jacobs. (2016). Mitochondrial Dysfunction Plus High-Sugar Diet Provokes a Metabolic Crisis That Inhibits Growth. PLOS ONE. 11(1): e0145836. PMID: 26812173.

Ş.T. Örs, E. Akdoğan, and C.D. Dunn. (2014). Mutation of the mitochondrial large ribosomal RNA can provide pentamidine resistance to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mitochondrion. 18: 7-11. PMID: 25151477.

N. Mutlu, G. Garipler, E. Akdoğan, and C.D. Dunn. (2014). Activation of the Pleiotropic Drug Resistance Pathway Can Promote Mitochondrial DNA Retention by Fusion-Defective Mitochondria in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. G3. 4(7): 1247-58. PMID: 24807265.

G. Garipler, N. Mutlu, N.A. Lack, and C.D. Dunn. (2014). Deletion of conserved protein phosphatases reverses defects associated with mitochondrial DNA damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A. 111(4): 1473-8. PMID: 24474773.

G. Garipler and C.D. Dunn. (2013). Defects Associated with Mitochondrial DNA Damage Can Be Mitigated by Increased Vacuolar pH in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics. 194(1): 285-90. PMID: 23502676.

C.D. Dunn. (2011). Running on Empty: Does Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Limit Replicative Lifespan in Yeast? BioEssays. 33(10): 742-8. Review. PMID: 21826691.

C.D. Dunn*, M.L. Sulis*, A.A. Ferrando, and I. Greenwald. (2010). A conserved tetraspanin subfamily promotes Notch signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans and in human cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A. 107(13): 5907-12. PMID: 20220101.

C.D. Dunn, Y. Tamura, H. Sesaki, and R.E. Jensen. (2008). Mgr3p and Mgr1p Are Adaptors for the Mitochondrial i-AAA Protease Complex. Mol Biol Cell. 19(12): 5387-97. PMID: 18843051.

P.M.V. Peixoto, F. Grana, T.J. Roy, C.D. Dunn, M. Flores, R.E. Jensen, and M.L. Campo. (2007). Awaking TIM22: A Dynamic Ligand-Gated Channel for Protein Insertion in the Mitochondrial Inner Membrane. J Biol Chem. 282(26): 18694-701. PMID: 17462993.

H. Sesaki, C.D. Dunn, M. Iijima, K.A. Shepard, M.P. Yaffe, C.E. Machamer, and R.E. Jensen. (2006). Ups1p, a Conserved Intermembrane Space Protein, Regulates Mitochondrial Shape and Alternative Topogenesis of Mgm1p. J Cell Biol. 173(5): 651-8. PMID: 16754953.

C.D. Dunn, M.S. Lee, F.A. Spencer, and R.E. Jensen. (2006). A genomewide screen for petite-negative yeast strains yields a new subunit of the i-AAA protease complex. Mol Biol Cell. 17(1): 213-26. PMID: 16267274.

V. Everard-Gigot, C.D. Dunn, B.M. Dolan, S. Brunner, R.E. Jensen, and R.A. Stuart. (2005). Functional analysis of subunit e of the F1FO-ATP synthase of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: importance of the N-terminal membrane anchor region. Eukaryot Cell. 4(2): 346-55. PMID: 15701797.

R.E. Jensen, C.D. Dunn, M.J. Youngman, and H. Sesaki. (2004). Mitochondrial building blocks. Trends Cell Biol. 14(5): 215-8. Review. PMID: 15130575.

W-F Lo, C.D. Dunn, H. Ong, E.S. Metcalf, and M.J. Soloski. (2004). Bacterial and Host Factors Involved in the Major Histocompatibility Complex Class Ib-Restricted Presentation of Salmonella Hsp60: Novel Pathway. Infect Immun. 72(5): 2843-9. PMID: 15102795.

C.D. Dunn and R.E. Jensen. (2003). Suppression of a defect in mitochondrial protein import identifies cytosolic proteins required for viability of yeast cells lacking mitochondrial DNA. Genetics. 165(1): 35-45. PMID: 14504216.

R.E. Jensen and C.D. Dunn. (2002). Protein import into and across the mitochondrial inner membrane: role of the TIM23 and TIM22 translocons. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1592(1): 25-34. Review. PMID: 12191765.

* Equal Contribution

Co-Corresponding Author


Honors and Awards:

“Excellent” Rating, Teaching Demonstration Lecture, University of Helsinki (2017)

Docentship (Dosentti) in Molecular Microbiology, University of Helsinki (2017)

Science Academy Young Scientist Award (Bilim Akademisi Genç Bilim İnsanları Ödül 

Programı) (2017)

Turkish Academy of Sciences Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi

Üstün Başarılı Genç Bilim İnsanı Ödüllendirme Programı) (2016)

Outstanding Faculty Award, Koç University College of Sciences (2015)

David G. Hoch Outstanding Young Alumnus, Jesup Scott Honors College, University of 

Toledo (2014)

Distinguished Instructor, Koç University College of Sciences, Spring Semester (2013)

American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship (2008) [declined due to new faculty position]

Graduate Student Association Travel Award, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (2005)

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program – Honorable Mention (2000)

National Defense, Science, and Engineering Fellowship Program – Honorable Mention (1999)

Ohio Academic Scholarship (1995)

United Steelworkers of America Scholarship (1995)

United Food and Commercial Workers Scholarship (1995)

Wal-Mart Foundation Scholarship (1995)

Phillip Powell Science Award (1995)

National Merit Scholarship (1995)


Laboratory Funding:

Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation Grant (2021 - 2023)

Academy of Finland Project Grant (2020 - 2024)

Sigrid Jusélius Foundation Senior Researcher Grant (2020 - 2022)

Sigrid Jusélius Foundation Project Grant (2019 - 2022) [with annual confirmation]

European Research Council Starting Grant (2015 - 2020)

EMBO Small Grant (2013)

EMBO Installation Grant (2011 - 2015)


Invention Disclosures:

EdgeMap: A combined phylogenetic and machine learning approach predicts mitochondrial DNA allele pathogenicity (2019) 

LacAttack: A method to reduce toxic lactate accumulation in human cells with mitochondrial dysfunction. University of Helsinki (2017)


Consortium Grants: 

Helsinki Metabolism Consortium (HiMet): Nutrient Control of Health and Disease [HiLIFE Grand Challenge, Chair: Anu Suomalainen-Wartiovaara] (2018)


Post-Doctoral Associate Advising:

Svetlana Konovalova (2020 - present)

Gregor Habeck (2018 - 2020)

Bala Anı Akpınar (2017 - 2020)

Ayşe Bengisu Seferoğlu (2015 - 2018)


Graduate Student Advising: 

Tamara Somborac, Ph.D. candidate at University of Helsinki [co-advisor]

Güleycan Lutfullahoğlu-Bal, M.S. in Molecular Biology and Genetics (2017), Koç University [co-advisor], currently Ph.D. candidate at University of Helsinki

Abdurrahman Keskin, M.S. in Molecular Biology and Genetics (2016), Koç University, currently Ph.D. candidate at Columbia University

Emel Akdoğan, M.S. in Molecular Biology and Genetics (2015), Koç University, currently Ph.D. candidate at University of California, Davis

Görkem Garipler, M.S. in Molecular Biology and Genetics (2014), Koç University, currently Ph.D. candidate at New York University

Nebibe Mutlu, M.S. in Molecular Biology and Genetics (2013), Koç University, currently post-doctoral associate at University of Pennsylvania


Graduate Teaching Experience:

Seminar in Molecular Microbiology, Instructor, University of Helsinki (2018 - 2020)

Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques, Lecturer, University of Helsinki (2019)

Selected Topics in Molecular Biology and Genetics: Genetic Approaches to Gene Discovery and Characterization, Instructor, Koç University (2018)

Communications in Biology, Instructor, Koç University (2011, 2013, 2014, 2017)

Organelle Biogenesis, Instructor, Koç University (2016)

Parasitology, Instructor, Koç University (2013)

Molecules and Cells, Teaching Assistant, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (2004)


Undergraduate Teaching Experience:

Cell and Developmental Biology, Instructor, Koç University (2010 - 2017)

Genetics I, Instructor, Koç University (2010 - 2016)

Life Sciences, Instructor, Koç University (2010, 2014)

Introduction, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Instructor, Koç University (2009 - 2011)


High School Teaching Experience: 

Kulosaari Secondary School (Kulosaaren Yhteiskoulu), Visiting Lecturer (2019, 2020)

School of Molecular and Theoretical Biology [Funded by Zimin Foundation and HHMI], Principal Investigator (2018)

New York City Science and Engineering Fair, Judge (2009)


Other Educational Contributions: 

Thesis Committee Member (7 M.S. and 2 Ph.D.) 

Ph.D. Thesis Pre-Examiner (2)

M.S. Thesis Assessor (1)


University Service: 

Grant Coach for Potential ERC Starting Grant Applicants (2020)

Representative of the Institute of Biotechnology for the University of Helsinki Research Assessment (2019)

University of Helsinki Institute of Biotechnology Executive Team (2018 - present)

University of Helsinki Viikki Lecture Series Selection Committee (2018 - 2019)

Koç University Molecular Biology and Genetics Independent Study Coordinator (2016 - 2017, 2013 - 2014)

Koç University College of Sciences Laboratory and Office Safety Committee (2016 - 2017)

Koç University Library Advisory Committee (2014 - 2017)

Koç University Molecular Biology and Genetics Student Exchange Coordinator (2012 - 2017)

Koç University Molecular Biology and Genetics Graduate Program Admissions Committee 

(2011 - 2017)

Koç University Student Advisor for Molecular Biology and Genetics Department (2010 - 2017)

Koç University Molecular Biology and Genetics Graduate Program Co-Coordinator (2014 - 2015)

Koç University College of Sciences, Molecular Biology and Genetics Department Representative (2012 - 2013)

Koç University Tüpraş Energy Research Center Faculty Search Committee (2012)

Co-Organizer, Koç University Science Seminar Series (2010 - 2011)

Koç University College of Sciences Maths and Physics Curriculum Committee (2010)

Koç University Molecular Biology and Genetics Faculty Search Committee (2009 - 2015)

Founder, Koç University Molecular Biology and Genetics Department (2009)

University of Toledo Student Government Board of Elections (1998 - 1999)

University of Toledo Research Council, Student Government Representative (1996 - 1997)

University of Toledo Arts and Sciences Council, Student Government Representative (1996 - 1997)


Additional Coursework and Professional Development:

Introduction to Base R, CSC IT Center for Science (2019)

University Pedagogy 2.1, Constructive Alignment in Course Design, University of Helsinki (2019) University Pedagogy 1, Learning in Higher Education, University of Helsinki (2019)

EMBO Course on Competency Based Interviewing (2018)

EMBO Course on Applying Design Principles to Schematic Figures (2018)

EMBO Laboratory Management Course for Independent Scientists (2011)

Special Topics Course: Molecular Biology of Aging, Woods Hole Marine Biology Laboratory (2003)

Visiting Ph.D. Student in the Laboratory of Prof. Arthur E. Johnson at Texas A&M University: Training in Site-Specific Protein Crosslinking (2001)


Editorial Service:

Scientific Reports Editorial Board (2019 - present)

PLOS ONE Editorial Board (2018 - present)


Grant Review:

EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (2020)

Wellcome Trust / DBT India Alliance (2020)

EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (2019)

Human Frontier Science Program (2016)

National Science Centre of Poland (2013)


Peer Review:

PNAS (2020), Nucleic Acids Research (2020), The EMBO Journal (2019), Mitochondrion (2019), Scientific Reports (2019), Scientific Reports (2018), BMC Biology (2017), Scientific Reports (2017), BioEssays (2017), Cell Reports (2016), Turkish Journal of Biology [Guest Manuscript Editor] (2016), BioEssays (2015), Nucleic Acids Research (2015), Turkish Journal of Biology (2015), Journal of Genetics and Genomics (2015), Journal of Molecular Biology (2015), Journal of the American Aging Association (2015), Disease Models & Mechanisms (2015), Mitochondrion (2014), Genetics (2013), F1000Research (2013), EMBO Reports (2012), Methods in Molecular Biology (2012), Cell (2011), Current Genetics (2011)


Other Manuscript-Focused Service:

Membranes and Sorting Faculty Section, F1000Prime (2017 - present)


Conference Organization and Activities:

Co-Organizer, 5th EMBO Young Investigator Microbiology Sectoral (2019)

Session Chair, EMBO Workshop on Current Advances in Protein Translocation Across Membranes (2019)

Co-Organizer, 4th EMBO Young Investigator Microbiology Sectoral (2018)

Co-Organizer, 1st Finnish Symposium on Proteostasis in Health and Disease (2018)

Poster Judge, 6th MEMBREC Symposium on Membrane Contact Sites (2017)

Co-Organizer, 3rd EMBO Young Investigator Microbiology Sectoral (2017)

Mentor, “Pursuing an Academic Career” Session, The EMBO Meeting (2015)

Poster Judge, The EMBO Meeting (2011, 2012, 2014, 2015)

Session Co-Chair, "Mitochondrial Dynamics and Disease," EUROMIT 2014: International 

Meeting on Mitochondrial Pathology (2014)


Oral Presentations and Seminars (External): 

Middle East Technical University Chemistry Society 6th Biochemistry Conference (2020)

University of Eastern Finland (2020)

5th EMBO Young Investigator Programme Microbiology Sectoral Meeting (2019)

Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute (2019)

The 14th International Colloquium on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis (2019)

EMBO Workshop on Current Advances in Protein Translocation Across Membranes (2019)

4th EMBO Young Investigator Programme Microbiology Sectoral Meeting (2018)

Institute of Science and Technology, Austria (2018)

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (2018)

Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2018)

3rd Symposium for Molecular Ecology and Evolution, University of Jyväskylä (2018)

University of Utah (2018)

18th EMBO Young Investigator Meeting (2018)

3rd EMBO Young Investigator Programme Microbiology Sectoral Meeting (2017)

Turkish Molecular Biology Association (Moleküler Biyoloji Derneği) Data Meeting (2017)

EMBO Young Scientists’ Forum (2016)

16th EMBO Young Investigator Meeting (2016)

Middle East Technical University (2015)

University of Edinburgh (2015)

2nd EMBO Young Investigator Programme Microbiology Sectoral Meeting (2015)

Cardiff University (2015)

University of Exeter (2015)

University of Manchester (2015)

Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research, Newcastle University (2015)

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (2015)

15th EMBO Young Investigator Meeting (2015)

3rd International Gen-Arel Molecular Biology and Genetics Student Congress (2015)

Bilkent University National Nanotechnology Research Center (2015)

Weizmann Institute of Science (2015)

1st EMBO Young Investigator Programme Microbiology Sectoral Meeting (2014)

FEBS-EMBO Conference (2014)

14th EMBO Young Investigator Meeting (2014)

Acıbadem University (2014)

Istanbul University (2014)

Drexel University College of Medicine, Center for Molecular Parasitology (2013)

13th EMBO Young Investigator Meeting (2013)

Istanbul Technical University "BIOTECH '13" Conference (2013)

Bilkent University (2013)

Lomonosov Moscow State University (2012)

EMBO Young Scientists’ Forum (2012)

FinMIT - Centre of Excellence in Research of the Academy of Finland on Mitochondrial Disease and Ageing (2012)

University of Tampere (2012)

12th EMBO Young Investigator Meeting (2012)

Istanbul Technical University 5th National Molecular Biology and Genetics Student Congress (2011)

11th EMBO Young Investigator Meeting (2011)

İzmir Institute of Technology (2010)

Bilkent University (2010)

17th International Caenorhabditis elegans Meeting (2009)

Koç University (2008)

Boğaziçi University (2008)

TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center (2008)

Molecular Medicine Symposium, University of Toledo (2004)


Oral Presentations and Seminars (Internal):

Viikki Monday Seminar (2019)

HiMET Principle Investigator Day (2019)

Institute of Biotechnology Principal Investigator Lunch Seminar (2019)

University of Helsinki Metabolism Seminar (2018)

1st Finnish Symposium on Proteostasis in Health and Disease (2018)

Koç University College of Sciences (2018)

University of Helsinki Institute of Biotechnology Principal Investigator Retreat (2018)

FinMIT Days (2018)

University of Helsinki Institute of Biotechnology Symposium (2017)

University of Helsinki Viikki Cell Biology Club (2017)

University of Montreal-University of Helsinki ILS Minisymposium on Mitochondrial Genomics and Biology (2017)

UCLA-University of Helsinki Metabolism Retreat (2017)

Kyoto University-Koç University International Symposium on New Frontiers in Health Sciences and Technologies (2013)

Koç University College of Sciences (2013)

Koç University Board of Trustees (2012)

Koç University School of Medicine (2012)


Poster Presentations: 

European Society for Evolutionary Biology Congress (2019)

Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Meeting (2019)

Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Satellite Meeting on Molecular Evolution and the Cell (2018)

ASCB-EMBO Meeting (2017)

EMBO-FEBS Lecture Course on Mitochondria in Life, Death and Disease (2017)

EMBO Conference on Protein Translocation and Cellular Homeostasis (2017)

The Allied Genetics Conference (2016)

Keystone Symposia Conference on Mitochondrial Dynamics (2016)

Frontiers in Metabolism:  From Molecular Physiology to Systems Medicine (2014)

Gordon Research Conference:  Biology and Physiology of Energy Converting Organelles (2014)

EUROMIT 2014: International Meeting on Mitochondrial Pathology (2014)

Mitochondria, Apoptosis, and Cancer EMBO Workshop (2013)

26th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology (2013)

FEBS Special Meeting - Protein Quality Control and Ubiquitin Systems in Health and 

Disease (2012)

3rd EMBO Meeting (2011)

8th European Meeting on Mitochondrial Pathology (2011)

45th ASCB Meeting (2005)

43rd ASCB Meeting (2003)

41st ASCB Meeting (2001)

National Conference on Undergraduate Research (1999)


Professional Societies (Active Memberships):

Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (2018 - present)

Genetics Society of America (2012 - present)

Asemat yliopiston ulkopuolella

Visiting Scholar, Koc University

1 heinäk. 201730 kesäk. 2019


  • 1184 Genetiikka, kehitysbiologia, fysiologia
  • 1181 Ekologia, evoluutiobiologia
  • 1182 Biokemia, solu- ja molekyylibiologia

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