Henkilökohtainen profiili



Havu (Salomies), Eva Elisabeth

Education and degrees awarded

-   Doctor of philosophy, University of Helsinki, French philology, 17/12/1996.

-    Master of Arts, University of Helsinki, French philology, 17/2/1976.

  • Minors: German philology, Italian philology, Art History.

-    Docent of French Language, University of Helsinki, 31/5/2000.


Other education and training, qualifications and skills

18/6/1979      Diplôme de méthodologie de l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère, Université Paris VIII (1/10/1978-18/6/1979)

29/6/1979      Certificat de linguistique appliquée à l’enseignement, Université René Descartes (Paris V)  (1/10/1978-29/6/1979)


11/2/1993      University pedagogy (6ov) (University of Helsinki)


Linguistic skills

mother tongue: Finnish

other languages:

  • French: C2
  • German: C2
  • Italian: C1
  • English: C1
  • Swedish: B2
  • Spanish: B2


Current positionDocent, leading researcher


Previous work experience

-   Professor of French philology, University of Helsinki (1/8/2016-31/7/2017, 1/8/2013-31/7/2014, 1/8/2000 – 31/7/2001);

-   Associate professor of Finnish language and culture at Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle (1/9/2003-31/7/2004 and 1/9/2007-31/7/2010) ;

-   Lecturer of French philology at the University of Helsinki (1/8/1993-31/12/2000);

-   Full-time teacher of French philology at the University of Helsinki (1/8/1982-31/7/1993);

- Head of the researcher community CoCoLaC (Comparing and Contrasting Languages and Cultures) since 2011-2016;

-   Teacher of Finnish Language and Culture at INALCO (Paris) (1/2/2002-30/6/2004)

-   Translator for Yleisradio (1975-1982): French, German, Italian => Finnish


Research funding as well as leadership and supervision

-   Research funding for 4 years (94 500:-/ year) for the researcher community CoCoLaC (2013-2016);

  • preparation of the funding application; head of the researcher community;

-   Responsible supervisor of 5 doctoral students (Mikko Haule, Tuuli Holttinen, Tommi Manner, Nora Muhonen, Maria Paloheimo);

-   Secondary supervisor of 3 already graduated doctoral students (Johanna Isosävi 2010, Rea Peltola 2011, Manon Buysse, Vrije Universiteit Brussel: co-tutelle);

-   Supervisor of about 50 undergraduate students (2000-2001; 2010- 2017); at the moment supervision of 12 undergraduate students.



- Teacher/lecturer/university lecturer in French philology at the University of Helsinki 1981- 2017: excellent evaluations, candidate for the Eino Kaila teaching award in 1999 and 2012.

-   Courses introducing research practices in French philology (2000-2017):  

o   Doctoral seminar (2 hours 7-8 times /year): 2000-2001 and 2010-2017

o   Master’s seminar (2 hours/week, 3 periods): 2000-2001 and 2010-2017

o   Academic writing (master, 2 hours/week, 1 period): since 2014

o   Grammatical analysis (master, 2 hours/week, 2 periods): 2004-2007 and since 2010

o   Contrastive linguistics (BA and master, 2 hours/week, 2 periods): 2006, 2011, 2013

o   Discourse analysis (BA and master, 2 hours/week, 2 periods): 2012

o   Sociolinguistics (BA and master, 2 hours/week, 2 periods): 2005, 2007


Pedagogical competence

-    18/6/1979 : Diplôme de méthodologie de l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère, Université Paris VIII ;

-   29/6/1979 : Certificat de linguistique appliquée à l’enseignement, Université René Descartes (Paris V) ;

-  11/2/1993 : University pedagogy (6ov) ;

-   Evaluator for Delf / Dalf French language exams, 2005;

-   Member of the selection team for French students’ admission to teacher training until 2017;

-  Member of selection committees for University lecturers (University of Helsinki: Russian 2011, Finnish 2013, German 2017) or professors (Université de Nancy 2009, University of Helsinki: German 2017, Spanish 2017).

-  2001-2017: regularly involved in curriculum planning for French philology at all levels;

-  Responsible of the curricula and the teaching of French philology 2010-2017;

- Responsible of regular pedagogical meetings and seminars with the staff 2010-2017.


-   Preparation of teaching material for the courses; published texts:

o   Grammar : Havu, E. & Hakulinen, L. 1999, Il arrive que l'ordinateur commette une erreur, Publications du Département des langues romanes de l'Université de Helsinki;  regularly revised and since 2003 published with the title Exercices de Grammaire ;

o   Translation : Havu, E. & Hakulinen, L. 1995, Perusopintojen käännöskurssi suomesta Ranskaan, Uudistuva korkeakouluopetus. Helsinki: Finn Lectura, s. 46-50.


Teaching awards:

-   1999 and 2012: candidate for the Eino Kaila- award

-    2004: Decoration Palmes académiques (France)


Awards, prizes and honours

-    Golden medal of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, 2015

- Decoration Suomen Valkoisen Ruusun ritarimerkki, 2017


Other academic merits

-    Doctoral dissertations

  • representant of the Faculty of Arts (University of Helsinki) in 6 doctoral dissertations
    • Taina Hämäläinen (2004), Salli Kankaanpää (2006), Johanna Kuningas (2008), Johanna Tanner (2012), Elina Seppälä (2014), Marjut Vehkanen (2015);
    • pre-examiner and/or member in the dissertation committee of 4 French and 1 Belgian doctoral candidates
      • Marc-Antoine Mahieu (December 2007, Paris 7), Arnaud Fournet (December 2008, Paris 5), Virginie Marie (December 2008, Université de Nantes), Abdelhadi Bellachhab (December 2009, Université de Nantes), (Aurélie Welcomme, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, December 2012);
      • pre-examiner and opponent of the doctoral dissertation of Anu Treikelder (December 2012, University of Tarto).


-     Evaluation of scientific merits

  • Evaluation of the scientific competence of Maarit Mutta for the title of docent, University of Jyväskylä, 2009;
  • Evaluation of the scientific competence of two candidates for the post of professor at the University of Nantes, May 2009;
  • Evaluation of the scientific competence of professor Dan Van Raemdonck (Université Libre de Bruxells) for his promotion to Chargé de cours principal at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, May 2009;
  • Evaluation of the scientific competence of Audrey Roig for a post of post doctoral researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, May 2010;
  • Evaluation of the publications and career of Mairi McLaughlin for her promotion to associate professor at the University of Berkeley, 2013;
  • Evaluation of the project of Pascale Haderman, University of Gent "The representation of language variation: the case of French as a second/foreign language in Flanders compared with French mother tongue varieties" for the Research Foundation Flanders, 2015;
  • Evaluation of the project of Audrey Roig (Université Paris Descartes) "Liaiions de prédications non marquées ou faiblement marquées en francais" for the Institut Universitaire de France, 2016;
  • Evaluation of the publications and career of Malin Ågren for the title of Docent at the University of Lund, 2017.


-    Evaluation of scientific projects/study programs/funding applications

  • Member of the international expert group evaluating study programs in English and French Philology and Literature at Tallinn University and Tallinn Pedagogical University for the Estonian higher education accreditation centre (2005)
  • Evaluation of a research project for the Research Council of Norway (2007)
  • Evaluation of a research project for the Research Foundation Flanders (2014);
  • Evaluation of a book manuscript  (L’emploi préverbal des prépositions du français
    . Typologie et grammaticalisation) for the editor De Boeck (Collection De Boeck) Université, February 2009;
  • Evaluation of a large number of abstracts for scientific conferences (last: Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Francaise, 2019).


-    Evaluation of funding applications

  • Doctoral school Langnet (2005-2012);
  • Doctoral school Helslang of the University of Helsinki (2014-2017);
  • Doctoral school of the University of Turku (2014 and 2015).

-   Scientific and scholarly journals and publication series

  • Edition of 9 scientific publications (see list of publications)
    • for example Havu, E. & Hyvärinen, I. 2013, Comparing and Contrasting Syntactic Structures: From Dependency to Quasi-Subordination, Havu, E. & Pierrard, M. 2009. La prédication seconde : essai de mise au point.
    • Member of the scientific committee of several journals and publication series
      • for example Études finno-ougriennes; GRAMM-R, études de linguistique française ; Romanica Cracoviensia.
      • Referee for scientific and scholarly journals such as Études finno-ougriennes, Langages, Language and Linguistics Compass, Linx, Linguistica Uralica, Meta, Parallèles, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, SKY journal of linguistics. 


10 most important publications (see also list of publications):

  • C1: Havu, E. & Pierrard, M. (2014): Les co-prédicats adjectivants. Propriétes et fonction des adjectifs et des participes adjoints. Brussels : Peter Lang.
  • C2: Havu, E. & Pierrard, M. (2009) (eds) : La prédication seconde. Essai de mise au point. Travaux de linguistique 57.
  • A1: Havu, E. (2014) : L’emploi d’éléments initiaux dans quatre romans français contemporains : Comparaison avec un corpus de textes d’économie. Corpus 13, 79-98 ; Havu, E. (2010): Equivalents finnois des prédications  averbales et secondes. Discours 6 ; Havu, E. (2009): Prédications averbales en finnois : subordination ou autonomie ? Cahiers d’Études Hongroises 15, 67-77 ; Havu, E. & Pierrard, M. (2014) : L’attribut de l’objet : une complémentation nucléaire ? Travaux de linguistique 68, 27-48.
  • A3 : Havu, E. (2014): French converbal constructions and their translation into Finnish. In: Contexts of subordination: Cognitive, typological and discourse perspectives. Visapää, L., Kalliokoski, J. & Sorva, H. (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, Vol. 2014, p. 245-268; Havu, E. (2014): L’emploi d’éléments initiaux dans quatre romans français contemporains : Comparaison avec un corpus de textes d’économie. Corpus 13, 79-98 ; Havu, E., Isosävi, J. & Lappalainen, H. (2014): Les stratégies d’adresse en finnois: comparaison entre deux types de corpus oraux institutionnels. In : S'adresser à autrui: les formes nominales d'adresse dans une perspective comparative interculturelle. Kerbrat-Orecchioni, C. (ed.). Chambéry: Publication Chambéry, p. 303-336; Havu, E. (2013): L’emploi des formes d’adresse dans un corpus français.  In: Représentations des formes d'adresse dans les langues romanes. Suomela-Härmä, E., Härmä, J. & Havu, E. (eds.). Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, Vol. LXXXIX, p. 69–87 ; Havu, E. (2009) L’emploi des pronoms d’adresse dans sept villes francophones. Tu ou Vous, l’embarras du choix. Peeters, B. & Ramière, N. (eds.). Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, p. 81–98.

-    Organization of several international conferences, seminars and workshops at the University of  Helsinki (see for example blogs.helsinki.fi/cocolac-rc) and Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle (2008-2010, for example Langues et identités finlandaises 14 -15/11/2008; La langue en mouvement 21/3/2009);

-   Organization of public events related with French culture, for example Satire and freedom of speech 23/3/2015, University of Helsinki.


Tutkimuksen ja opetuksen kuvaus


Syntax of modern French; adress forms and strategies; language teaching; contrastive analysis

Teaching (after 2000):

o   Doctoral seminar (2 hours 7-8 times /year): 2000-2001 and 2010-2017

o   Master’s seminar (2 hours/week, 3 periods): 2000-2001 and 2010-2017

o   Academic writing (master, 2 hours/week, 1 period): since 2014

o   Grammatical analysis (master, 2 hours/week, 2 periods): 2004-2007 and since 2010

o   Contrastive linguistics (BA and master, 2 hours/week, 2 periods): 2006, 2011, 2013

o   Discourse analysis (BA and master, 2 hours/week, 2 periods): 2012

o   Sociolinguistics (BA and master, 2 hours/week, 2 periods): 2005, 2007

-   Supervision of 8 doctoral thesis (5 in preparation, 3 graduated doctoral students (2010: Johanna Isosävi, 2011: Rea Peltola, 2016: Manon Buysse (co-tutelle with Vrije Universiteit Brussel)); supervision of more than 50 master’s dissertations.


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