Valokuva Hannah Julia O'Sullivan

Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa

Henkilökohtainen profiili


I'm interested in how plants interact with their environment from the scale of a single leaf to global patterns of forest strucutre. I use a combination of ecological modelling and remote sensing to understand plant form and function through the lens of plant architecture. I'm particularly interested in the trade-offs between growth and longevity because after all, being a tree is risky business. 

I am a project planner for the MULTIRISK project where I am looking to develop new tools for monitoring tree mortality and forest degredation. In addition to this, I am completing a PhD at Imperial College London and Kew Gardens on evolutionary states in 3D, where I am investigating the drivers of successful tree shapes under changing environmental conditions. 

Koulutus / tieteellinen pätevyys

Computational Ecology and Evolution, MRes, Imperial College, London

1 lokak. 20181 lokak. 2019

Zoology, BSc, University of Exeter

1 syysk. 20131 syysk. 2016

Asemat yliopiston ulkopuolella

PhD student, Imperial College, London

1 lokak. 20191 tammik. 2025


  • 1181 Ekologia, evoluutiobiologia
  • 11831 Kasvibiologia
  • 4112 Metsätiede

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