1998 …2024

Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa

Henkilökohtainen profiili



FULL NAME                     Sinisalo,  Juha-Pekka

DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH  1964, Helsinki              


Head of the Department, Heart and Lung Centre HUCH, Cardiovascular laboratory, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland

Professor of Cardiology (temp), Helsinki University


Licentiate of Medicine, University of Tampere                                                      1990

Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences, University of Helsinki                             2000

Specialist in Internal Medicine, University of Helsinki                                            2001

Specialist in Cardiology, University of Helsinki                                                      2003

Docent in Cardiology, University of Helsinki                                                          2010


Interventional Cardiologist in Helsinki University Central Hospital / Cardiovascular laboratory 12th Aug 2003à Jan 2015

Medical teacher in Helsinki University, faculty of Medicine, 5 Months in 2004

Visiting Specialist in Helsinki University Central Hospital / Children Hospital / Department of Congenital Cardiology 12 Months between 2008 and 2012

Head of the Department, Heart and Lung Center HUCH, Cardiovascular laboratory, Jan 2015

Professor of Cardiology (temp), Helsinki University, August 2015


Thesis: J. Sinisalo. Endothelial function in patients with coronary heart disease. Department of Medicine, Divisionof Cardiology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. Dissertation 2000.

Hirsh-index = 23 (Sum of Times Cited without self-citations: 6664 on 21th of Dec 2016).

Total of 102 peer reviewed articles.

Average number of publications / year in last 3 years = 14.3


The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim- Member                                                      1990→

Finnish Cardiac Society – Member                                                                             1998→         

Secretary of Division of Thrombosis in Finnish Cardiac Society                               2001-2003


Scientific activity

Part time scientist for 11 years in Prof Markku Nieminen study group 1995→ in Meilahti Hospital, Department of cardiology.

Own study group 2006→ in Heart and Lung Center HUCH:

Main theme: Acute Coronary Syndrome, clinical aspects, genetics and inflammation.

Participating international consortiums



GENIUS-CHD consortium





Supervising 10 thesis at the moment

  1. MD, Johanna Nokelainen, ”Significance of immunology in coronary artery disease. Recognizing antigens ” (in Finnish ”Immunologian merkitys sepelvaltimotaudissa: Sepelvaltimotaudille altistavien antigeenien tunnistaminen”) (Supervising in collaboration with Ass Prof M Lokki).

  2. MD, Satu Vaara, ”Clinical and genetical factors affecting causes of death in acute coronary syndrome” (IN Finnish: Akuutin koronaarisyndroman tyyppiin ja ennusteeseen vaikuttavat kliiniset ja geneettiset tekijät”).

  3. M.Sc Marja Marchesani, ”Characterization of MHC related genes involved in acute coronary syndrome”. (Supervising in collaboration with Ass Prof M Lokki).

  4. M.Sc Elisa Lahtela, “HLA haplotypes predisposing to coronary artery disease”. (Supervising in collaboration with Ass Prof M Lokki).

  5. MD, Jaakko Allonen, “Prognostic factors in ACS” (In Finnish “AKS:n sairastaneiden potilaiden lyhyen- ja pitkänajan ennusteeseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä”). (Supervising in collaboration with Prof M Nieminen).

  6. MD, Mirjami Laivuori, ”Atherosclerosis in peripheral artery disease”. (Supervising in collaboration with Prof  M Venermo).

  7. MD, Harri Hietanen,”Repolarization evaluation with ECG and 24h ambulatory ECG; prognostic value for rhythm problems”. (Supervising in collaboration with MD PhD H Parikka).

  8. MD, Jouni Kuusisto, ”Evaluation of left atrium size with 3D echo: validation, and evaluation for the use of prognosis of atrial fibrillation attacks”. (In Finnish: “Vasemman eteisen tilavuus ja toiminta eteisvärinässä 3D-ultaäänikardiografialla, menetelmän validointi ja soveltuvuus rytmihäiriöön kohdistuvien interventioiden onnistumiseen”). (Supervising in collaboration with MD PhD V Järvinen).

  9. MD, Olavi Parkkonen, “Takotsubo-cardiomyopathy: etiology and pathophysiology”. (In Finnish “Takotsubo kardiomyopatian syntyyn vaikuttavat tekijät: genetiikka ja autonominen hermosto”). Dissertation is planned to take place in December 2015. (Supervising in collaboration with Prof M Nieminen).

Superved thesis

  1. MD, PhD Anil Palikhe “ MHC region and coronary heart disease” (The dissertation on the 23rd May 2008)

  2. MD, PhD Riitta Paakkanen “Major Histocompatibility Complex Genes – Method of Analysis, Association with Acute Coronary Syndromes and Effect on Immune Reactions” (The dissertation on the 15th Mar 2013).

  3. MD, PhD Harri Lindholm “Physiological determinants and assessment of stress and recovery among media workers” (The dissertation on the 18th of October 2013).

  4. M.Sc Efthymia Vlachopoulou, ”Statistical aspects of MHC-region genetics in coronary artery disease”. (Dissertation on the August 2015).

Docent Evaluations:

Docent Hannu Päivä, Tampere University, 2011

Docent Erkki Ilveskoski, Tampere University, 2012

Doctoral Thesis Evaluations:

PhD Yan Ying, Oulu University, 2009

PhD Saara Wittfooth, Turku University, 2009

MD Tuomas Lehtinen-Svahn, Turku University, 2015


  1. Permanent Consultant of The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Patient Injuries Board 2010-2014

  2. Permanent Member of Committee of Education, Teaching and Research for Heart and Lung Centre HUCH 2013à

  3. Permanent member of The Doctoral Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Helsinki University, 2014à

  4. Member of the HALO (Controlled introducing of new technology for heath care system) -working group for left atrium appendix closure and stroke prevention for National Institute for Heath and Welfare 2015 

    Reviewer of Grant applications

    For the executive government agency of National Science Centre Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki - NCN; http://www.ncn.gov.pl). 2015

Asemat yliopiston ulkopuolella

Osastonylilääkäri, HYKS Sydän- ja keuhkokeskus


  • 3121 Yleislääketiede, sisätaudit ja muut kliiniset lääketieteet
  • 1184 Genetiikka, kehitysbiologia, fysiologia

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