Henkilökohtainen profiili



1999 Master of Arts (M.A. Psychology), University of Helsinki

2004 Doctor of Psychology (Ph.D.), University of Helsinki

2006 Title of Docent (corresponds to adjunct professor) in educational and developmental psychology, University of Helsinki

2011 Speciality in Clinical Child Psychology and Educational Psychology, an academic, clinical diploma



Senior lecturer Department of Psychology and Logopedics, University of Helsinki, Finland (2008-> permanent position).



Tutkimuksen ja opetuksen kuvaus

Description of research

I work as a senior researcher in the Developmental Psychology Research Group, which is part of a wider multidisciplinary research group, combining expertise from psychology, pediatrics, neonatology, epidemiology and psychiatry. My current research interests are related to preterm birth, especially late preterm birth, and its effects on child's later emotional, social and neuropsychological development. My research interests are also related to specific adversities during prenatal period and their impact on child's development.



My teaching area in the Institute of Behavioral Sciences is developmental psychology, including courses from basic introduction courses to master level seminars and PhD supervisions.

In 2017 I will complete 60 credits module of University pedagogy that include both basic and subject studies. Studies aim at enhancing teaching skills and understanding of student learning.


  • 515 Psykologia

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