Valokuva Laura Mendoza

Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa

Henkilökohtainen profiili

Tutkimuksen ja opetuksen kuvaus

I am an experienced university lecturer of English and a researcher in the field of education. My research focuses on teaching and learning in higher education, particularly academic writing (L1 and L2) in increasingly internationalized university studies. I am interested in learners' conceptions such as self-efficacy and the various factors it is connected to.

I have worked in university teaching and administration for over 20 years in three different countries: USA, Mexico and Finland. In addition to being a teacher of English language and communication, I am also a qualified subject teacher of Spanish. My specialty area as an English teacher is to support learners' individual academic and professional communication needs (both spoken and written) in English. Supporting academic writing needs is especially close to my heart. I am very interested in enhancing learner agency in my courses in general. In addition to being a teacher, I have worked in supervisory and administrative roles in higher education and instructional design approximately 12 years. In these positions, I have gained valuable experience in leading a team of academic experts and in curriculum development.


PhD, Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki (Aug 2024)

60 ECTS, Pedagogical studies, Haaga-Helia, 2015 & 25 ECTS, Studies in university pedagogy, Aalto University 2014-15

Master of Arts in Teaching of English for Speakers of Other Languages,University of Washington, Seattle, USA,  2003

Master of Arts in Linguistics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA,  2002

Asemat yliopiston ulkopuolella

Lecturer of English, Aalto University

1 tammik. 2008 → …


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