Henkilökohtainen profiili


I am Professor of Sociology at the University of Helsinki, Finland. I joined the discipline of Sociology in 2011 after having been a postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism, Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex. I hold a D.Phil in Migration Studies from the University of Sussex and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Helsinki.

My research interests include sociology of work, care, ageing, globalisation, sociology of migration, gender studies, ethnic and racial studies, social theories and ethnographic methods. I am currently leading a Nordic research consortium funded by Future Nordics programme entitled 'Tackling Precarious and Informal Work in the Nordic countries' and including Lund University, Stockholm University and University of Bergen. Previously, I have led several research projects, including a 4-year-research project "Struggles over Home and Citizenship" funded by Kone Foundation (2018-2021), "Migrant Youth Employment - Politics of Recognition and Boundaries of Belonging" (RECOGNITION) funded by the University of Helsinki, Kone Foundation and Emil Aaltonen Foundation (2014-2017) and "Insecure Lives - Irregular Migration and Precarious Work in Finland (INSECURE)" funded by the Academy of Finland (2015-2018).

My work has been published e.g. in Sociology, Men and Masculinities, Ethnic and Racial Studies and Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. I am the editor-in-chief of Nordic Journal of Migration Research (Helsinki University Press) and Associate Editor of Global Social Challenges Journal (Bristol University Press). I serve as the vice-head of discipline of Sociology and in 2017-2019 I served as Vice-President of European Sociological Association and in 2015-2017 I served as a board member of European Sociological Association. 





Docent in Sociology, University of Helsinki 2013
PhD in Sociology, University of Helsinki 2012
DPhil in Migration Studies, University of Sussex 2009
Master of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki 2003


  • 5141 Sosiologia
  • Maahanmuuttotutkimus
  • Sukupuolen tutkimus
  • Hoivatyön tutkimus
  • Globalisaatio
  • Intersektionaalisuus
  • Etnisten suhteiden ja 'rodun' tutkimus
  • Luokkatutkimus

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