Henkilökohtainen profiili

Tutkimuksen ja opetuksen kuvaus

Liisa Ilomäki, (EdD, Title of docent in Education and Technology) works at the University of Helsinki, in the Technology in Education Research Group, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Her research focus is in learning and teaching with digital technology, including innovations and changes within school and teaching communities and in promoting knowledge work competencies in education. She defended her doctoral thesis 2008, the title of which was The effects of ICT in schools: Teachers´ and students’ perspectives. Liisa Ilomäki has authored or co-authored several research articles and has been an editor of books concerning educational technology.

Since 1998, Ilomäki has been involved in several European and national projects and in activities in the area of technology-enhanced learning, either as a member or as a co-ordinator. In addition, she has been involved in teacher training at several levels in Finland and abroad, in the area of pedagogical change in education and digital technology, including educational projects in developing countries. Since 2012, she has been collaborating in an informal research team which is investigating the development of knowledge work competencies and related pedagogical practices in secondary and higher education. She has been an expert member of Finnish national boards concerning digital technology and a board member and an evaluator of European projects.


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